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RE: It's Normal, Its The New Normal - Normies Are Living In Denial

in #society4 years ago

I agree with this. I dislike the phrase too. It's normal, everybody does it, why won't you conform? Building a large circle around you doesn't mean it's the right path. Actually I think that genuine connection and friendship are scarce so the smaller the circle the better. I would rather have fewer quality friends than a bunch of people who would go back and forth depending on how it suits them. Let me tell you a quote I loved :A friend to all is a friend to none. I never trust people who smile and talk behind people's back and then come and smile at me.

We should take time to analyse daily what we have done, our choices and the way we look at things. It is actually necessary on order to clean up any bulk that might have infiltrated in our life.


I agree quality over quantity and I’m rather snobbish about it so people tend to not like me also I don’t have a filter so I say things that offend people but this person was speaking to me and I was like I am sorry but you have said nothing of substance to me since this conversation began so I’d like to stop it here lol I suck at people’ing

But it’s the same with any bond we fabricate it could be family it could be those in your religion we find things in those groups that aren’t beneficial but because it’s normal they keep doing it! Let’s say you’re a family of smokers we all know it’s bad for you but because the family does it it’s okay now it’s normal

The human mind can easily corrupt itself so it’s important to constantly review it

I can understand what you're saying. I also dislike small talk, I prefer meaningful conversations and discussions about ideas. People who gossip and talk bad constantly about others are never a good company for growing as a person.