Social Media Mind Control

in #society5 months ago


The above image was made by @amberjyang with Midjourney using the prompt 'social media world of mind control.'

The Air Force Research Laboratory looked into social media mind control in 2014. The project's findings were published as "Containment Control for a Social Network with State-Dependent Connectivity." According to Ars Technica:

The research demonstrates that the mathematical principles used to control groups of autonomous robots can be applied to social networks in order to control human behavior. If properly calibrated, the mathematical models developed by Dixon and his fellow researchers could be used to sway the opinion of social networks toward a desired set of behaviors—perhaps in concert with some of the social media "effects" cyber-weaponry developed by the NSA and its British counterpart, GCHQ.

There's something unsettling about the idea that we can be controlled in much the same way as robotic drones are controlled. With tech like this, election outcomes can be programmed. Public outrage can be manufactured or made to vanish. Public events can be made to unfold in a certain way. And tightly managed narratives can replace authentic public discourse in a way that almost no one notices.

This and similar technology has undoubtedly progressed considerably in the last decade. COVID supercharged the development of this new brand of of mind control. During the pandemic, a coalition of megacorps, defense contractors, and government officials rolled out a massive propaganda and censorship campaign that essentially took control of our total social graph. This campaign was effective. Most Americans accepted the lockdowns, the school closures, the civil unrest, the fake science, and the experimental vaccines uncritically.

The powers that be show no signs of giving up their mind control tech now that the pandemic has ended. They exercise influence over everything from our search results to our social media feeds. This influence is amplified by their relentless manipulation of mainstream media.

We saw the dangers of this in COVID, but only on a small scale. Early on, when things were about to boil over, the control regime redirected the country's energy away from its mishandling of the pandemic and into a heavily structured conflict over race. Since then, we've seen a parade of issues amplified by the regime. Ukraine. Israel. The election.

Meanwhile, many of our city centers have become dystopian wastelands and the country is being invaded from its southern border. Here in Minneapolis, there are beggars at every entrance of nearby grocery stores and syringes litter the sidewalks. Bit by bit, rampant price gouging erodes our quality of life. Sometimes activists march in the streets in support of Palestinians, their energies directed neatly away from any area where they might actually make a difference.

We're not powerless in this situation. We can be discerning in our media consumption and discuss what we learn on uncensored alternative social media platforms. Even on mainstream platforms, we can communicate directly with each other instead of relying on feed algorithms to connect us. This won't change the world. The social media mind control machine will continue programming the masses to advance the control regime's agenda. But it's in out power to opt out of the program and create something better in our own lives.

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  • Small Gods of Time Travel is a 41 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt that goes with my book by the same name.
  • History and the Machine is a 20 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on my series of oil paintings of interesting people from history.
  • Artifacts of Mind Control is a 15 piece Tezos NFT collection on Objkt based on declassified CIA documents from the MKULTRA program.

Opting out seems to be the only real way. I've managed to stay away from some of the most toxic stuff like Facebook/Instagram but Reddit too is becoming irredeemable, besides niche subjects. Eventually all the sane people will probably be rounded up by the suspicious Facebook podpeople mob.

For sure. The podpeople may come for us eventually.

Hey now, don't lump me in as sane.

Haha fair enough.

So much that the social media is causing to our mind whether we are aware of and the ones we are not aware of

The nature of the technology encourages us remain unaware of how it influences us.

So much of manipulation of our mind that the social media always cause to our mind. Well quite a pity that we at times fail to realise this

It's easy to miss the manipulation when it's wrapped in entertainment.

Social networks is only for the strong hearted. For example, there are so many things we see online and maybe cause depression or even some fake news that we see online so we have to be very careful of the kind of information that we believe or better stay clear away from it

Yes. I feel like seeking out real human connection is one good way forward.

So much of manipulation of our mind that the social media always cause to our mind. Well quite a pity that we at times fail to realise this

Wow, incisive writing. This was a powerful line:

Sometimes activists march in the streets in support of Palestinians, their energies directed neatly away from any area where they might actually make a difference.