Microsoft Is Killing MS Paint.

in #software7 years ago (edited)

After 32 years, Microsoft is decommissioning an app that we love or hate so much.

MS Paint will be no longer supported in the upcoming Windows 10's Fall Creators update later this year.

The graphic software which has been part of our childhood was first released in 1985 as part of Windows 1.0.

It will be replaced by Paint 3D which was introduced last April.

This is sad considering the sleepless nights I spent "painting" on our Windows 98 desktop. MS Paint was actually the reason why I became interested in graphic design. Its simplicity and lack of advance graphic editing features forced me to Photoshop 5.5.

Since Microsoft is bent on killing its legacy apps, I am wondering: is Minesweeper still around?

Don't miss my future post! Follow Random Collective by @st3llar.


I love Paint so much! Ao sad they decided to kill it. Paint is my very first app that I used on Windows. It also that first app that introduced me to Windows.

Me too. I guess microsoft cant just keep it.:(

Thanks for sharing
First thing every child learn to use on computer is paint and they are killing it

Yeah. It ls sad but they think they know better.

MS Paint was a good (and important) stepping stone to GIMP and Photoshop.

I'm sad to see it go.. I've used it numerous times and always counted on it being there if I needed it.

Does Microsoft even poll its users before deciding these things?

I totally agree. Paint is in fact the stepping stone of many computer graphic designers.

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I stopped using windows computers a while back but I've been wondering if they ever changed the user interface of paint??

Yes they did. They added a ribbon for menus. :)