
Bro, they are so damn racist that they are removing all of the black, Indian and Mexican Faces from brands and leaving all of the White ones while telling people the lie that it is racist to have the faces of minorities on brands. Who do you think is responsible for this if not the KKK? Whatever was wrong with the Washington Redskins brand? Absolutely nothing, Native Americans were honored to have their Face on that brand forever, until the racist Whites pretending to be racial justice Warriors, indoctrinated everyone to believe it was a racist thing to have the faces of Native Americans there.

White Supremacist have been caught many times impersonating Antifa and leftist Jewish people on Social Media. I believe the KKK to be the driving force of Antifa and leftist policies in this Country since they are the one known group that has a vested interest in bringing down this country to the ground, that way they can overtake the Government and replace the Constitution with Extreme Right Fascist discriminatory Laws.