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RE: Florida Rejects COVID Shots For Kids 5-12

Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, COVID is still doing us! As the article shows, five states (and soon 6) allow kids to get COVID shots without their parents' knowledge or consent. Many states and professions as well as universities still require the shots which are crippling and killing uncounted numbers of Americans. So, until ALL the mandates (masks, shots, "vaccine passports", etc.) are rolled back, we are in danger of sliding into a digital tracking system that will become part of The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. That threatens us with an irreversible slavery from which we will never be able to escape because surveillance will be so absolute. So, IMO it's not time to take our eyes off the COVID ball until we have restored ALL our freedoms stripped away during the "pandemic". The guideline we might use is shown in my article The Roadmap Back To Normal.


I don't know about all that...