Why We Still Have No Definitive Answers on Labs in Ukraine

in #someeofficial-5696822 years ago (edited)

By Janet Phelan

Under the mantle of an NGO that was created in 2009 to engage the UN on specific issues, I traveled to Geneva, Switzerland twice to participate and present at the Biological Weapons Convention, in 2011 and again in 2016. Parenthetically, the NGO, ITHACA, has also engaged with the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Record of the United States of America (UN) and with the Special Rapporteur on Torture, submitting documents on adult guardianship as a form of torture as well as on the phenomenon known as "targeting," involving the use of unconventional weapons against non consensual American citizens, which the current SR on Torture, Nils Melzer, has admitted is a form of torture.

Several articles resulted from my trips to Geneva. Recently, I queried the Biological Weapons Convention as to the numbers of "biodefense" labs in Eastern Europe and in Ukraine. Under a politically binding agreement, the US is mandated to report any such labs involving the US to the Convention at large. As we have seen previously, the US has been remiss in reporting to the BWC, failing to report pivotal changes in domestic biological weapons legislation, which gave the US immunity from violating its own bioweapons laws. Big oops, there...

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I wrote to a Mr. Daniel Feakes at the BWC. Here is the email in its entirety--

From: Janet Phelan <[email protected]> Sent: 21 March 2022 06:31 To: Daniel Feakes <[email protected]> Subject: Media contact


We met in 2016, when I attended the BWC. I currently have a book out on the pandemic and am watching the situation in the Ukraine with intense interest. It is my understanding that the US is mandated by a politically binding agreement to report all biological weapons activities, including the existence of labs, to the Convention at large.

Pursuant to that stipulation, I am writing you to ask how many such labs the US has disclosed in 1) Eastern Europe as a whole and in 2) Ukraine, specifically. I am not seeking sensitive information such as precise lab locations, just numbers.


Janet Phelan "At the Breaking Point of History," published by Trine Day (Phone number redacted)

Mr. Feakes, it appears, does not want to respond. Instead, he wants to know if I am Michael Edwards, who is the editor of Activist Post!

Here is his reply and my response--

On Monday, March 21, 2022, 10:45:41 AM GMT+1, Daniel Feakes <[email protected]> wrote:

Dear Janet,

Thanks for you message. I’m confused, are you “Michael Edwards” as I received an anonymous, unsigned e-mail from someone with that name a couple of days ago, with the same subject line that you are now using, but I don’t see an immediate connection (no forwarded message, no identifying affiliation etc) between your message and the one from “Michael Edwards”.

Best wishes,


On Monday, March 21, 2022, 08:52:26 PM GMT+1, Janet Phelan <[email protected]> wrote:

No, I am not Michael Edwards. I am Janet Phelan.

This fails to satisfy Daniel Feakes, who sends me another rambling and non-responsive email. He appears obsessed with Michael Edwards to the degree that he simply cannot answer my query.

To give a bit of a back story on Mr. Feakes, we met at the Meeting of State Parties in the winter of 2016. Daniel Feakes works at the Implementation Support Unit for the BWC (Biological Weapons Convention). He was repeatedly obstructive to my participation at the BWC, going so far as to refuse me access to the copying machines and even to a stapler. Both items are available to all participants.

My presentation to the Convention at large, in which I accused, with buttressing documentation, the United States of America with intention to launch a pandemic, apparently made an impact. I was approached by a TASS reporter who interviewed me and published an article in the largest media outlet in Russia concerning my claims. There was not a peep from US reporters attending the Convention, however.

Mr. Feakes was not satisfied with attempting to sabotage my copying efforts, however. I was later to find that he included in the official documentation to the BWC a notation that the NGO I represent, ITHACA, was a mental hospital. Yes, I am serious. When I discovered this entry into the official record, I asked him to correct it and he refused.

It would seem important, given the lies and misinformation swirling about concerning dangerous pathogens not only in Wuhan but now in Eastern Europe, to see if the US withheld information as to its involvement with labs in Ukraine and Eastern Europe, or if the US did a full accounting of its activities. This information would help to resolve current and urgent concerns.

I also repeatedly emailed the UN spokesperson's office with these questions. At the time of going to press, no response has been received.

One has to wonder what motivates the Feakeses of the world. An honest and full disclosure here would do a significant service towards not only satisfying emergent questions but also in making the world a safer place. One hesitates to ask, but could that be the problem?

Janet Phelan has been on the trail of the biological weapons agenda since the new millennium. Her book on the pandemic, At the Breaking Point of History: How Decades of US Duplicity Enabled the Pandemic, has been published in 2021 by Trine Day and is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Her articles on this issue have appeared in Activist Post, New Eastern Outlook, Infowars and elsewhere. Educated at Grinnell College, UC Berkeley and the University of Missouri Graduate School of Journalism, Janet “jumped ship” and since 2004 has been writing exclusively for independent media. Her articles previously appeared in the Los Angeles Times, Oui Magazine, Orange Coast Magazine, the Long Beach Press Telegram, the Santa Monica Daily Press and other publications. She is the author of the groundbreaking expose, EXILE and two books of poetry. She resides abroad. You may follow Janet on Parler here @JanetPhelan. To support her work, please go to JanetPhelan

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We have no answers, because just like in Wuhan, the US was doing nefarious things through 3rd parties like Eco Health Alliance. Additionally the West(G7) doesn't want the answers out because they are all in on it. Worse, even when the information does get out in America nothing is done. Hearings are held, outrage is expressed, but no one is ever punished.

The West has shown with COVID they are willing to kill millions, destroy nations and not even blink an eye. We are living in evil times.

Very well said! Thank you for reading and commenting, much appreciated.