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RE: Misinformation spreads like wildfire. We must act like firemen and extinguish it when it o

You're right, a person's beliefs should be protected and not attacked or extinguished. Look I could be wrong, if so, you should downvote. I believe that if someone says something that warrants a conversatio, we should discuss it instead of just letting it be. By doing this we may see their perspective and either expand or reframe their statement, hence mitigating misinformation


I believe in dialog as well and won't start downvoting because of a thing I "question". People express themselves differently and some has never thought of stuff in a different way. Happened to me many times and would prefer someone opening those neurolinks instead of a downvote.
I'm not saying I am correct in my statement, but it is my oppinion and that free speech is what I gender dnnd is SB and it has become wor

Thank you, brother. Definitely like this free speech thing and looking forward to many more dialogue