Topic: Innovations and Inventions! Find as many words as possible related to the topic. Re

in #someeofficial-5893442 years ago (edited)

Topic: Innovations and Inventions!

Find as many words as possible related to the topic.
Reward: 200 $SME per word
Only for SoMee.Social users.

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SoMee Post:


penicillin paperclip scissors periscope earmuffs altimeter ethernet batteries calculator email
skateboard freezer borameter flashlight parachute trampoline sonar elevator jukebox wrench

All words are accepted except freezer, and trampoline
@DominoTheCat found these.
The reward of 3800 $SME is sent!
Thank You for participating!

freezer, barometer, tampoline, penicillin, paper, elevator, scissors, sonar, wrench, compass, parachute, batteries, skate, email, altimeter, batteries, ethernet, periscope, earmuffs, jukebox, skateboard, calculator, flashlight, flash, mail, clip, pen, line, tramp, ramp

Accepted words: paper, skate, mail, clip, pen, ramp.
Other words were already found by @DominoTheCat and @SampleDeLight
The reward of 1200 $SME is sent!
Thank You for participating!