Tokens list i will continue buying and staking

Greywrden > As you can see on the hive token image, i am consistently buying and staking LEO and Proof of brain. What really blew my mind about the Proof of brain project is how similar the tokenomics are to Bitcoin. The PoB supply is capped at 21 million just like Bitcoin, that is on top of the fact that the PoB rewards on the Blockchain are reduced every 4 years, just like Bitcoin's mining rewards are reduced every 4 years.

LEO also has a fantastic Tribe i am getting to know right now. I have been asking many questions and there are always many in the Tribe that address my concerns.. SoMeeans should also look into tribes on the Hive Network Such as LEO and PoB.

As i have said before. Use the someeofficial tag as the mother tag on Ecency, that is the first tag. Later use the proofofbrain tag and the leofinance tag. Your posts will ingest to the SoMee main platform. Always make sure your first tag is always someeofficial that way you don't have the problems i had.. I learned all of this through trial and error.

I haven't had so much fun in Social Media in a long time like i am having now experimenting with these new platforms and learning new things on the Hive Network.


I like WAIV too. It looks solid to me.

I think you gave me those Waiv tokens through upvotes right? Because i did not buy them.

Posted using SoMee

I think it's a combined vote but the highest was from See how your first poston LeoFinance was made eligible for WAIV rewards:

Actually I've had Waivo for a very long time. I remember being upvoted by that bot over a year ago lol.

Posted using SoMee

That's what I saw using this app.

Hey buddy.. Can i curate content with PoB even if i am upvoting posts that do not have the PoB tag?

Posted using Proof of Brain

In my experience with SME, those who don't have SME Power receive SME tokens if you upvote their comments on your post. I am not sure if POB works the same as SME.

You made it to the top stakers on leofinace thats awesome, hive blockchain has whole lot of earning features.

A good one. I want to be like you....

You can pretty much check everyones public information through

The above is yours buddy.