
Yep that's me. Audra recorded this just now on her tablet. :) I'm glad you like it and thank you very much for the re-steem. I have been reading your stuff and I can attest to your infrequency of re-steems so this is a very uplifting compliment. Thank so much again.

Audra recorded this

All the accolades go to Audra then...Nice work young lady. Spectacular cinematography. You captured the mood so well. 😁

Nah man, seriously...I liked it. Sort of raw, but really passionate...Considering that passion is one of the keys to life...I'd say you're killin' it.

Nice work. (And thanks for reading some of mine)

She says, thank you :D

Well, she's welcome...Don't tell her but...I was only kidding...That video work is good and all...But you're the star of the show. The talent.

hahaha... She will probably invade our privacy and read all our caveman chatting... but for now ... I'll keep it hush hush.. fellow Navajo

Haha...Good man. Our secret.