[Guide][UPDATE] :How to set up soundac price feed on Docker

in #soundac5 years ago (edited)

Step1 Use below docker command to download soundac-pricefeed-docker image,
docker pull soundacdocker/soundac-pricefeed:latest

Step2 Run container:
docker run --name soundac-pricefeed -itd soundacdocker/soundac-pricefeed

Step3 Enter container:
docker exec -it soundac-pricefeed /bin/bash

Step4 Use editor to set config.json file(witness name and active private key) and save it.
config.json format is like that:
"account": "Witness Account Name", // name of your soundac witness account, modify it
"active_key": "Witness Active Private Key", // private active key of your soundac witness account, modify it,
"exchanges": [],
"interval": 60,
"peg_multi": 1

Step5 Use the following commands to start:
pm2 start feed.js

Done, soundac price feed is working now.
If this post helps you, please vote for my soundac witness "wallet", thank you very much.