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RE: f

in #space5 years ago

I think idiot and asshole stand for people with much more negetive characteristics than just believing that moon landing was fake. Probably most of us have a belief that is wrong and is not based on science, but it's not important at the time.

How believing that moon landing was fake is going to change my life? (Generally anyone's life) Honestly, it doesn't matter, nothing in it for me (except if I want to test a friend's knowledge about moon landing).

The belief that people who believe moon landing was faked are idiots and assholes might be wrong.

Few days ago I was laughing about that flat earth conference and searched the you tube for people who believe in flat earth to laugh more, though some were really funny, but few had some correct points (not about the flat earth, but about the underlying idea of why they don't trust some facts about the round earth).

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Becareful around flat earth people.

By assholes, I mean people like bart sibrel, he made a movie aboht the moon landings being fake the went around trolling people involved in appolo including the astronauts. Conspiracy trolls are generally properly described as assholes.

By stupid I mean people who are willfully ignorant. They don't really want to know the truth and intentionally avoid facts to hid under a veil of ignorance.

If you start exploring conspiracy more and more (especially the science ones), you will run into these people a lot.

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