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RE: The SpaceX Falcon Heavy Test Flight Brought Me To Tears

in #spacex6 years ago

Also a fan of sci fi and amatuer astronomer here, I can relate. I watched in awe and felt a rare feeling of wonder inside, realizing I was witnessing a monumental moment in history. I can't imagine the feats that will be accomplished in space exploration during my lifetime and yesterday was witnessing the first step becoming reality.

Also, how do you not prove you're the biggest bad ass in the world when you decide to use your personal roadster as the payload to send into Mars orbit?

However, when our accomplishments are compared to the vastness, complexity, and wonders of the universe it certainly does bring glory to God. We're so small and know so little in the scope of everything.


Yeah, the payload Musk chose in lieu of concrete weights really made me smile. I love that sort of oddball sense of humor! Very entertaining and inspiring.

Yes, we are relatively small... Even so, we are made in God's image, and thus capable of amazing things!

Thanks for your very thoughtful response. ;)