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RE: Spam, Comment & Post Farming Report - 01/16/2018

in #spaminator6 years ago (edited)

@patrice I dont do this I dont create fake accounts, I have friends who create accounts to help me with my debts. if it's against rules I will write them to stop helping me with no reason, if they will want to stay on steemit they will if not they will stop using steemit. I dont have any bot I even dont know english very good and I dont know what proxy is. And all list what you write not my friends many I dont know. Stop flag my posts, I will stop request my friends to upvote my posts. For now it looks my all posts will automatic downvote, am I right?
I lost becaouse of you dmania vote for me its money to live, next time give just warning. Small cant play with whales, like automatic downvote you distroy chance for small to grow.
My friends vote only manualy, and names from your list I dont know them all.