My Hivewatchers blacklist.My apology to the Hive community.

in #spaminatorlast year (edited)

Dear hivewatchers,
I have been copied the following sentences from internet for the posts... here are those three posts, links & contents. I understood my mistake & I will not go against the hive community
rules again.I apologize to the community.

My post link:-

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KALUWADUMULLA SRI VIJAYARAMA Ancient Temple: Ambalangoda - Sri Lanka
Kaluwadumulla Sri Wijayarama Ancient Temple is another one of the most spectacular temples in Ambalangoda. The fact that this temple has more guest attraction because most of the statues in

02. New Zealand Farm - Sri lanka
My post link:-

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This farm is located at Ambewela which is a few Km away from Nuwara eliya sri lanka. The New Zealand Farm is a part of the Ambewela Farm which are both dairy farms.

03. Rawana waterfall in sri lanka
My post link:-

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Last month we travel to ella...there is a beautiful waterfall named Rawana...Rawana was a king of sri lanka...This waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfall in sri lanka...
So visit sri lanka...then you can sea lot of beautiful waterfalls like this....

I apologize about this matter...
I will never copy contents from the internet for my posts...
Please forgive me and remove me form the spaminator blacklist...

Yours faithfully @chanaka.vlog