How to Make Student Speeches Impressive

in #speech3 years ago

One important attribute of a good speech is that it is relatively brief, whether one talks about the length of the speech or the number of points they plan to address. Consider Abraham Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” and Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speeches as examples. Both are impactful and succinct. However, when preparing to give a speech at an event, the duration of the speech is also one thing to consider. Other ways for making one’s speech memorable are included below.

The Introduction

In whatever speech someone writes, the first thing they should do is introduce themselves. In most footage of historical speeches, one will notice that the speakers either skip the formality of introducing themselves or he or she is introduced by someone else before taking the stage. One’s introduction, in reality, is an opportunity - an opportunity to demonstrate to the audience that they have adapted their presentation to the audience.

Tell Compelling Stories

The power of storytelling lies in the mental imagery that one’s audience will conjure up while telling their story. Students can ask for assistance from Edubirdie if they wish to write great and captivating speeches. Rather than simply providing facts, telling a story allows people to become active participants in the performance. Short, meaningful stories are an effective technique.


Passion turns into energy and genuineness, which one’s audience values. Why should the audience care if someone is not invested and involved in their subject? Emotion entices the audience to participate in the process. If someone realizes that their topic is not moving them, they should change it until it does. If they are going to devote the time and effort to writing and delivering a speech, it should be about something that matters to them.

Write from the First Person

One should always remember to write in the first person when composing their speech. It suggests that they should write with the pronoun “I.” Their audience will recognize that what one is saying is their opinion if they do it this way. The speechwriter should also speak directly to their audience as if they were speaking to them by using the words “we” and “you.” “I’m sure you’d all agree that...,” or “As a community, we need to...,” for example. When someone speaks in the third person, the audience members sit up and pay attention. It encourages people to consider how one’s topic and argument relate to them


Whether someone is a student or a professional, knowing how to write a speech is a valuable ability. Writing an engaging speech for public speaking is not as difficult as it appears; one only needs to follow a few basic guidelines and strategies. If they want to give a remarkable speech that will leave a lasting impression on the audience, the suggestions above can help.