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RE: Breatharianism; the rise of not needing physical sustenance.

in #spiritual6 years ago

There are so much I want to say but I decide to just go to the point. 1st the theory of breatharianism is quite interesting. If humans doesn't need to eat anymore then we can avoid starvation that had been plaguing the world, specially Africa. But it will have a severe effect on the food and beverage industry and this will result in a world wide economic depression. 2nd I disagree with what you said that the human body is perfect, nothing is perfect, even the universe is not perfect. Only God is considered perfect. 3rd we humans have stomachs that digest our food that gives nourishment to our body. So not eating is just going against nature. This are just my opinion, I hope I didn't offend you in any way. Your article about breatharianism is very interesting and I have an enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing this with us. Have a nice day.


.this was my initial thought that our stomachs are made to digest....but is that just because we are told this?
.im not sure what i believe except that I get super hungry if I haven't eaten