Another Debate Hosted by Keith Woods.

in #spirituality5 months ago (edited)

Here it ’tis:

My commentary:

Just a few points of fact on Aarvoll’s metaphysics. The Marcionite’s believe that Jesus appeared on earth fully human in 29AD and they are not Gnostics. Whereas many Christian Gnostics (including myself) think Docetism is the correct view. Where we differ from the Marcionites is that we don’t believe Christ (the Aeon of Truth and Wisdom) was in any way shape or form endorsing Judaism; moreover, Christ was not Jewish, nor the son of Yahweh. Christ is the Father of Yahweh (indirectly) is what we believe in that Yahweh is the EL archon war God of Israel and not the God of the Pleroma. Christian Gnostics, unlike the Marcionites, reject the history in the Torah, as we see and saw clearly that Judaism is borrowed from Egypt among other syncretism's. See Charles Giuliani who documents this extensively.

Jews were immersed in Roman culture was the biggest euphemism in this whole talk!

Point 2)

Correct me if I’m wrong here but Adam continually dismisses Aarvoll’s point about what they were chosen for: to demonstrate what a mafia ethos looks like--again, see Charles Giuliani...I’m likely paraphrasing here but I think that is the gist of it. But his dismissal gets worse as he counters by verifying/reiterating all the normative tropes about how wonderful and precious they are to god when Christ said they were more like vipers whose father is Satan (in my view the demiurge).

Some more thoughts on this. They were decent enough to ever so briefly mention Marcion although they likely did so because Marcion didn’t challenge the historicity of the Torah. But I think it’s more than coincidence that they won’t go near the Gnostic worldview although Keith did talk about it in an previous video.

I’ve noticed with Adam Green that he will not give any air time to any other Christian hermeneutics. He consistently parrots orthodoxy as the one and only possibility and is the father of the pejorative, christ-cuck...So if Adam Green says there is only one correct view of Christianity (his view based on orthodoxy) What he also won’t concede is that the less Christianity there is the more Jewish power over Gentile nations there is. So if we follow through on his logic Judaism will have 100% control when Christianity is eradicated. Now, of course, I’m not a fan of Orthodox Christianity, but this is besides the point. If the eradication of Christianity led to a healthy secularism it would be for the better but the decimation of Christianity has demonstrably opened the door to Jewish hegemony over the nations.