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RE: The Empaths Survival Guide [Part 1]

in #spirituality β€’ 6 years ago

Thank you! πŸ™
Well, actually it's absolutely not logical πŸ˜€
Our logical mind will still try to figure it out and will even try to make a method out of "allowing". This doesn't work out though, because the mind can never allow - simply because it can not feel.
So please don't try to allow things - this will drive you crazy πŸ˜€(and with "you" I mean your human mind in this case)
Just feel into the non-logical and non-linear space of beingness.
Don't expect to find anything there. In the vast emptiness of the universe, there is nothing you can find.
Isn't it a miracle, how the whole universe works without any mind involved?
Planets spin, stars explode and everything in the universe does this without any thought at all! How amazing! ❀️

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I agree, its not logical, wrong choice of
And yes, It truly is a miracle! Yet, overtime the programming to believe the mind is needed becomes so powerful and so hard to break those belief patterns. but, really, all is well :)
Thanks so much for your reply!