Χρόνος - Tempus Fugit - Memento Mori

I trust the Path,
I follow the perpetual synchronicities,



All is aligned in Divine Time,


Chronos - Χρόνος


Can you both miss the train & catch it?


Are both realities existing simultaneously?
It's all the same to me,
Same, Same, But Different


The timelines overlapping, seeping and dripping through...
How do I know you?

I had my cake and ate it too,
Its all possible,
And it all IS.

I just hop, hop, and hop again,
Fall Asleep,
Lucid Dream into a New Timeline,
Wakeup & Lucid Live Infinite LifeTimes

Running from the Time Wraiths,
They AlwayZ Come to Stop the Loop Eventually,


You can only alter things so much,
Before Time starts to fight back

Red Planetary Earth
KIN: 257

May the energy of the Red Earth
help me to get connected
with Nature and my own
essence to stay grounded in the Now

I am guided by the power of Vital Force

Green Castle
Fifth Castle of Transcendence
Closes the cycle

3 More Days Until the 260 Count Restarts