What do you think of the Sri Yantra?

in #spirituality3 years ago


I have this necklace my friend John Mark gave me while in Reno around my first Burning Man experience. He didn’t tell me much about it, just that I might be interested in looking into it.

And look into it I did.

I found a YouTube which described each shape and how it represents a different Shakti:

“Shakti: ‘Energy, ability, strength, effort, power, capability’ is the primordial cosmic energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire universe.”

I meant (and mean) no disrespect to Hinduism, but really wanted to explore this symbol which is said to be many thousands of years old. I built a little tool for me to learn the meanings of the different lotus petals and triangles and to sit in meditation while focusing on it. You can see that tool here:


I was reminded of this exploration today after reading this article which I saw in a comment:


This article appears to be published around the same time was exploring the Sri Yantra.

I’ve since spent some time playing around with a compass and other “sacred geometry” 2D and 3D shapes and figures.


You can see some of that here:


Which links to other posts where I explore these topics further including this one where I drew a Sri Yantra myself:


As the Iowa Source post above states, you can’t actually draw a perfect Sri Yantra as its kind of like Pi and somewhat irrational.

What was the result of my study into this symbol and my time focusing on it off and on over the last two years? I can’t really know becuase I can’t live the last two years over again in a scenario where I didn’t give it any attention. There are YouTube videos that promise wealth and success if you meditate on this symbol, but the source of change over time is most often a non-falsifiable claim. Am I more wealthy? For sure. Is it becuase of this? No way to know.

I once asked Vinay Gupta who has a deep well of knowledge on many different related topics, and he said something along the lines of his guru told him this symbol was too powerful to mess around with. I guess that means I should put a disclaimer here: follow your divine intuition carefully and stay humble. It’s possible there is much more here than can be understand, and I’m being unwise to play in these explorations as I do.

Or it’s just some pretty art.

Symbols, I think, become powerful because of the energy we give them. Paper money could be scraps of smelly paper for the trash or a tool to buy life-giving food based on how we perceive it.

So back to my question, what do you think of the Sri Yantra?

The links I’ve shared can provide some information if you want to explore further.


Before I learned to read my grandmother taught me to meditate, she explained to me some tools that worked to be in sync with the mystical portals. With her methods I was not able to be in connection, I am sure they worked for her.... I am passionate about these topics, over the years I began to meditate "without looking" and that's when I "found", but this path is very long and the steps are slow.
Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information, I will open the links and explore Sri Yantra.
Big hug!

I'm curious to know more about what you mean by "meditate without looking."

And I do agree, it seems to me all these paths or personal and unique, just as our DNA.

My first experience with meditation was focused solely on discovering answers, I must admit it was more curiosity than a "transparent and genuine" search. As soon as I changed my attitude, all the answers I was trying to discover in the past appeared spontaneously. There are countless tools to be in sync with the astral plane, but undoubtedly "meditating" is the first step to raise our vibration and our energetic environment.
I send you a big hug of light!

Hi Luke. Very interesting post. I will keep my comment brief because it's late here (Japan) and I need to go to sleep, but this is a subject that has always interested me. Sacred Geometry. On one hand, I have a feeling (I never asked them) that my Zen teachers would have said pish-posh, sacred geometry is trying to divide what is indivisible, describe what is indescribable, give name to what is nameless. And so on. Perhaps you can imagine. But that is Zen. In some ways, Zennies are the atheists of the Eastern world. Other schools of Buddhism here in Japan place some importance on symbols like mandalas, cultivating in Tibetan Buddhism which places tremendous importance on these symbols and patterns. Me, I don't know. I take a balanced approach and keep open to both ideas.

Hmm...it's an interesting topic to think about.

As to the Sri Yantra itself... I don't know. Like you wrote, it's impossible to say for sure. A lovely pattern though. There is something very attractive to these kind of patterns.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling thought. I will read the posts you linked when I wake up.

. In some ways, Zennies are the atheists of the Eastern world.

Hah. nice. :)

Thanks for chiming in. I don't really know either and maybe it can't be known, but I do find value out of the exploration and in understanding why so many others for so many thousands of years, found value also.