
No man knows the day or hour. This is a saying tied with the Feast of Trumpets, which is the first day of the 7th month of the biblical calendar. I grew up telling people I was a pan-tribulation'll all pan out in the end. I no longer believe in a rapture as understood by most churches, but rather a gathering of His people worldwide, leading us through the wilderness and back to the land of our fathers. I have been enjoying this series when I get the chance.

I've thought that about the Feast of trumpets too!

Well between the no man knows the day or hour being linked to the Feast of Trumpets along with the "last great trump" mentioned in scripture it would seem to go together. I really don't think it is talking about "the last great president trump". Lol.

Cool, thanks for checking in!

Really a great journey of discovery and learning you are leading us on here. I honestly savor reading these each day. Thank you again for your efforts here. It truly does seem inspired....

happy beraktifas like biasaya comrades,
success on this day for you is always @papa-pepper.

It's state that the hour is not known but also in the Bible it gives signs of around the moment it will occur. So, humanity doesn't know the exact hour but by observing the signs can know around what hour it can occur. Be vigilant and love your brothers and sisters and that hour won't be a surprise/Looking forward to it.

You got it!

We need to be prepared at all time cause no one knows The end time ...good job @papa-pepper i hope you continue with this good teaching

Day 18 already!!! I love this series if I have t told you already!

Thanks for the encouragement.

I am definitely going to stick to whatever you have to deliver, i'm a fan of papa-pepper.

Great commentary.

Loving this series, thank you.

wow... what a research...! great list of series though!...

It literally took years.

I always love your post. Great and very unveiling!

Do you think sir that the coming of Christ is near? I just wonder about your thoughts and opinion on this.

Nearer.... but we still have a bit in my opinion.

Hmmmm. These have made me thought about the signs of times. =)

The pretribulational view

All event in chronological order before rapture has already occurred!
What's your take?

I believe that there is a temple to come, and an Abomination of Desolation to occur. Since the Antichrist makes war with the saints after he declares himself to be god, we still have a bit to go as far as I understand so far.

This is awesome! @drewley knows a lot about this subject!!

Cool! I gotta stop by and visit y'all someday! Not that far out of the way when we head to Texas...

@papa-pepper interesting information, every time I learn more of your publication thank you, regards,

i didnt know much about this until i read your is nice to know about the life history of a religious leader.. thanks for enlightening me :)

I am not a christian.So i do not know much about these things.So thanks for sharing this.I learnt many new things today.By the way,is it alright if i ask something not related to this? I have read several books of Dan Brown.But im wondering whether it is a total fiction or not?

Blessed be the lord of host who is the alpha amd the omega, the beginning and the end , the first and the last. Its truly a beautiful thing you have been doing. It must be by the spirit you are led to do this. Just continue the great work in Jesus name. May the blessing of the lord be on your life and may he cover you and your family with his blood. I'm glad that you are doing this and I will follow it has there is another greater than the knowledge of God.

“But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” (Matthew 24:36)

From some of my studies I have discovered that more than likely this is referring to one of the Fall Feasts of the Lord. That Feast is called The Feast of Trumpets or more commonly called Rosh Hashanah. Of the seven feasts of the Lord, this one is the only one that doesn’t have an exact starting time. This feast begins when the new moon is sighted and this has a slight variable time to it. In other words we may be able to observe that the new moon is coming, but the feast doesn't officially begin until the first sliver of the new moon is spotted and verified by 2-3 witnesses. For this very reason, the Feast of Trumpets is also referred to as “the feast that no one knoweth the day or hour of”! I said all of this because I believe it is something that we should all at least consider as a possibility!

What every christian should endeavour to do is ro make sure that he has Christ in him. If you dont have a ronust relationship with him, you will die and go to hell while studong the signs of end time. Im not against the revelation but that can not be my priority. My priority is Christ and him crucified. Paul said, that i may know him and the power of His ressurrection. Do you see where paul chanelled his focus nit on sign. Christ is everthing both the begining and the end. John 1vs 1,2

When I started reading for myself, I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed Mathew 24!

No one knows the exact time He will come, even our Lord Jesus Christ Himself does not know when the Father will send Him

...and as with all things... a new end brings about the new beginnings. The Eternal Cycles.