Light in the darkness

in #spirituality3 years ago

the wizard's cave in Niederwald, Lüdesheim, Germany, 6/01/2019

In the midst of some thick shrubbery, 18th-century visitors suddenly came across a hidden door. They had to bend their heads and carefully feel their way along a dark, winding, 60-metre-long passage where they encountered the figure of a magician. At the end of the dark tunnel they emerged into a light-filed space that symbolized knowledge or insight. Although the magician is no longer in residence, following the enchanted path through this cave is still a spell-binding experience!

My head was scratched on the ceiling while walking through the wizard's cave. It was so dark that I lost my sense of direction. I was looking around facing with the panic in sudden darkness and my head rubbed against the rough wall. You can see the tremendous influence of light later after careful walk. All of a sudden, the light from the hole illuminates the cave. At first, I thought it was lighting. It is said to be a cave designed with a length of 60m. The entrance to the cave has a mushroom-shaped structure, and the children love it, so they keep coming and going.

Light symbolizes wisdom or insight. Do you understand that the darker the insight becomes sharper? But I was in a hurry. most case do not enjoy the darkness. The darker the darkness, the stronger the longing for the light will be. Likewise this light within our body?