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RE: Spirituality vs Religion [my Thoughts, Post Yours]

in #spirituality6 years ago

We accept children as not mentally capable of responsibility the whole parent child relationship is built on authority and obedience because if we left children to their own will a whole lot less of them would make it to adulthood.

As to conditioning or indoctrination of children in to a faith it is a parents duty to attempt to instill in their child the world view they believe most beneficial to survival and success.

Remaining indoctrinated becomes a choice as an adult any one of us is free to reasses and reject previous teachings or not to even question them.

Coercion doesn't dissolve will


you use the word 'we' incorrectly here - you do not speak for 8 billion humans. many humans understand that willed children are responsible for their actions. the parent/child relationship in a dysfunctional scenario may be based on authority and obedience, however, a more balanced relationship based on love, respect and trust is not only beneficial but is necessary for survival now.

It is not a parent's duty to instill anything - and especially not based on beliefs. Beliefs are, by definition, thoughts which say that other thoughts are correct - while NOT knowing. This therefore makes beliefs inherently also errors. Instilling children with errors is not a way for them to survive and be the most successful version of themselves that they can be. An empowered will, balanced by spirit in the heart is the way to truth and success. This is not a belief, rather it is a repeatably provable reality that is deeply understood by some but not many humans at this time.

Remaining indoctrinated becomes a choice as an adult any one of us is free to reasses and reject previous teachings or not to even question them.

The nature of the unloving programming of many children means that it is not a simple matter of deciding to no longer participate in religious dogma when the children learn that they need to be free. In many cases, the emotional injuries involved mean that they never truly feel free of their early experiences and their thoughts continue to be effected throughout their entire life. Emotional processing is necessary to be truly free and our sociteies typically have judged such processing to be 'insane'. The spiritual state of humanity is a travesty of the divinity that is our birth right and religious indoctrination is pretty much at the top of the list of problems God is solving now.

Coercion doesn't dissolve will

Unloving light is that which causes the thoughts that lead to coercion and will-less-ness that lead to coercion and it is the same unloving thinking that always seeks to disolve will in others - while claiming to be doing it 'for the best' or 'in god's name'.

We is not all we is yourself and at least one other but you're correct by using we I sacrificed clarity of language for convenience but we is a whole lot easier to type than say "I believe that a an overwhelming majority of people would agree that ..."

The authority/obedience relationship doesn't exclude love in fact I would suggest the most effective are those guided by love.

It is not a parent's duty to instill anything - and especially not based on beliefs.

I was going to make a super reductionist argument here but because I don't really understand quite what your saying it would only lead to confusion of the discussion.

Like I said would be good to see you in the next @wwf debate