Splinterlands Guide

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Today ill share to y'all whats the best card in Earth to rent or buy!
This card had retaliate even at lvl 1, which only applies depends on your rng, but this card is a beast on high league, when it comes to low mana (21 and lower) and poison ruleset, pretty sure y'all will ask why?
Its because of hes enrage and retaliate in high lvl! which makes him undefeatable in poison ruleset, just dont put healer on the back so that hes enrage will on keep getting crazy and you dont really need to worry about hes retaliate bcoz it has a high chance of retaliating because of its enrage!
here's an example: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sm_Ee4mqkCCH8mAe47cpClc&ref=erwinsmith

Thats it for today! enjoy and have a nice day!
Ill do another venari gold foil later so stay tuned for more guides and giveaway later!


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Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

good tips