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RE: All Vouchers Gone!

in #splinterlands3 years ago

I am not sure what you mean by farming or what is wrong with someone moving out their Hive.

If a post is plagarised, spam or personal abuse downvotes are appropriate.

However downvoting perfectly OK content on autodownvote of an account is not OK.

Also these withdrawal transactions appear to be the RESULT of all his posts being nuked to zero by your auto downvote.

If you have a problem with particular content then downvote it and explain why in a comment.

But don't auto downvote an account that contains at least some legitimate content.

This is contrary to the purpose of content curation (to promote good content and demote bad content) and is itself a personal attack.


I rest my case with the chart above. Many thanks for your engagement.

By the way, this post of mine is a post about Splinterlands. I hope you are enjoying the game.

This is relevant to Splinterlands - see my response to @abh12345 above.