BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Healed Out: Slooow Sneak Victory With a Touch of Poison

in #splinterlands11 months ago

Thumbnail for the weekly challenge provided by @splinterlands

Ahoy fellow Splinterlands players. Welcome to another of my weekly Battle Mage Secrets.

In this week's challenge the featured ruleset is Healed Out. With this ruleset all the Healing abilities from Monsters and Summoners are removed, so no healing at all from any sources.

You can recognise that ruleset with this icon.

When this ruleset is active you can't rely on any healing so if you like to play healing then you should adjust your setup for a fight with this ruleset. An ability like Cleanse does still work to clear negative debuffs from your Monster as this is just removing debuffs and not a heal.

It was a bit tough for me to decide which battle to showcase. I had 2 great wins in Tournaments recently where the "Healed Out" ruleset was active and I feel both would be great to share. Well one of the battles had 3 rulesets and the other one only had 1 ruleset. I suppose the one with 3 rulesets is thus more interesting to share. I'll decide to share my battle against the player tarabh in the "Poseidar Wild Silver Invitational" Tournament from like two days ago.

Here is a picture of our initial lineup.


Battle Rules

This was a battle with a 28 Mana Cap. The Fire, Water, Life and Dragon elements were available. The battle had 3 rulesets:

  • Healed Out: All healing abilities are removed from Monsters and Summoners.
  • Silenced Summoners: Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.
  • Wands Out: Only Monsters with Magic attack may be used in battles.

Here is a link to the battle if you want to check it out:

Battle Lineup

So we got two of the rulesets with out. Healed Out and Wands Out. Meaning that only Magic Monsters may be used in battle. There is also Silenced Summoners so unfortunately Alric and Delwyn won't be able to provide an extra Magic attack to all those Magic Monsters.

With Silenced Summoners and Wands Out it could be nice to play Life because they have a Magic Healer from Beta, BUT since there is also Healed Out in this ruleset that's not a great idea.

Since I can't do a combo of that, I decide that I want frontlines with the Void Ability as they'll take less Magic damage then. With Water available I would immediately think about Djinn Oshannus. But Dragon is also available so I'm also thinking about Void Dragon.

I decide I'll use Camila Sungazer as my Summoner. She only costs 3 Mana to play and allows me to use Dragon Monsters. So that I can choose Void Dragon for my frontline with that Void Ability.

Up next I place Djinn Oshannus like mentioned before, also with the Void Ability and with a bit higher Health too.

Then I bring Elven Mystic, at level 4 it has the Silence ability to reduce the opponent's Magic attacks by 1. Which will help to take less damage while having those frontlines with the Void ability.

Up next I decide to bring Coral Wraith. One of the few Magic Monsters that have the Sneak ability. Since I'm expecting my opponent to also run a Void ability in the front it seems like a great idea to bring this card to slowly damage the enemy backline.

Last but not least I'm bringing Doctor Blight. The Gold Foil isn't my own it's one of the cards I was still renting. I do have my own at level 2 as well. I'm bringing this one for its chance to land Poison on my opponents frontline for that extra Poison damage.

Battle Anaylsis

As I expected my opponent is also bringing the Void ability up front with a Djinn Oshannus in their lineup as well. They did use Alric Stormbringer so they can't bring the Void Dragon like I did. They also decided to bring Elven Mystic for that Silence ability. Which means both of us have the Magic attacks further reduced. Apart from those 2 cards our lineups are completely different though.

My opponent used an Enchanted Pixie 2nd, they alo brought Ruler of the Seas with the Blast ability and then River Nymph with Cleanse.

As you noticed in the picture of our initial lineup where the Silence was already applied my opponent has 1 Monster that can deal damage to my front line because Ruler of the Seas still has 2 Magic attack. I have no Monsters that can deal direct damage to my opponents frontline because they've all been reduced to 1 Magic attack which deals no damage against the Void ability.
I mentioned this because well the River Nymph in their backline Cleanses their Djinn Oshannus in the first round which removes the Silence. So now they have 2 Monsters with 2 Magic attack.

The blast from their Ruler of the Seas luckily deals no damage to me because of the Void ability (and the blast is only 1 damage atm).

My Coral Wraith attacks their River Nymph. Doctor Blight ends up missing its attack. Well there is a 5 speed difference, which normally doesn't apply to Magic attacks but since Djinn Oshannus has the Phase ability the speed difference does give a chance for Magic attacks to miss.

During Round 2 my Void Dragon now takes 2 damage this round instead of 1 damage since their Djinn Oshannus can also damage me. Now my Doctor Blight lands its hit against Djinn Oshannus, of course dealing 0 damage but it lands Poison as well!

This causes Djinn Oshannus to take 2 Poison damage at the start of Round 3. During this Round same attacks against me. River Nymph now cleanses this Poison unfortunately as she has higher speed than my Coral Wraith. My Coral Wraith does take out that River Nymph during this round too, just too bad it happened after she already Cleansed the Poison.

Here's a screenshot of when my Coral Wraith takes out the River Nymph.


During round 4 my Coral Wraith deals its first damage to Ruler of the Seas. My Doctor Blight actually hits Djinn Oshannus for the 2nd time, which is fair enough as it has a 50% chance to hit him so going 2 hits in 4 rounds is accurate. IT LANDS THE POISON!! This is quite crucial as it's my only damage potential against their Djinn Oshannus and with River Nymph out of the picture it can't be Cleansed anymore so that 2 damage per turn will stay. Poison has a 50% chance to land so I'm a bit lucky that it landed both times that Doctor Blight managed to hit.

In Round 5 my Void Dragon dies to Djinn Oshannus, which means that Ruler of the Seas Blast damage will start to hit my Elven Mystic. Wow Ruler of the Seas with 90% chance to hit my Djinn Oshannus actually misses this round! No damage for my Elven Mystic. My Coral Wraith brings their Ruler of the Seas to 3 Health.

The battle looks like this now.


My opponent will keep dealing 2 damage per turn to my Djinn Oshannus if both their attacks hit. In which case the Blast deals 1 damage to my Elven Mystic.
My Coral Wraith will keep dealing 1 damage per turn to Ruler of the Seas. Then the Poison will also keep dealing 2 damage per turn to their Djinn Oshannus.

That's what will keep happening the next few turns.

Then my Coral Wraith will kill the Ruler of the Seas after 3 more rounds. After 3 rounds their Djinn Oshannus will also die to the Poison. At that point their Enchanted Pixie and Elven Mystic will be the only ones left with no damage against my Djinn Oshannus at which point the victory is secured! 😄

Was My Strategy Successful?

Yeah it was quite successful but it did involve a bit of RNG luck! Also if my opponent placed their Ruler of the Seas closer to the front, for example in the 2nd position, then there is a chance I would have lost because I wouldn't be able to take it out as fast with the 1 Magic per round Sneak attack.

The RNG luck was with Doctor Blight landing hits with a 50% chance and then being able to apply Poison after successfully hitting (for 0 damage). Which is also a 50% chance to land the Poison.

My play with the Coral Wraith was really great to damage the frontline. That card was definitely important as it took out their River Nymph so that the Poison from Doctor Blight couldn't be Cleansed anymore. Which was my only damage source against their Djinn Oshannus. So yeah Coral Wraith MVM (Most Valuable Monster) in this fight.

I mentioned how Ruler of the Seas missed my Djinn Oshannus and then my Elven Mystic didn't take damage. You might say that changed the battle, but that's not the case. Because in that round my Elven Mystic was at 4 Health and Ruler of the Seas too. So if it kept doing damage to my Elven Mystic then sure it would die in 4 rounds BUT Ruler of the Seas would die in the same 4 rounds. It had a chance to kill my Elven Mystic but then my Coral Wraith would still have its turn and would kill Ruler of the Seas anyway. So that scenario was always a win for me.


It was a long and slow battle with so little damage per round from both sides xD But it was a good battle. I made a great decision with bringing Coral Wraith. I guess a bit of luck with my opponents positioning because they likely didn't expect me to bring a Magic Monster with Sneak.

We both picked some same core Monsters, which led to the slow battle. Being Djinn Oshannus for the Void ability and Elven Mystic for the Silence ability.

That's it for my Battle Mage Secrets challenge this week. Thank you for reading!

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