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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Sell 2B DEC-B for DEC or Vouchers

  1. I'm a little concerned that applying band aid after band aid overtop of DEC issues will eventually destabilize the game economy.
  2. It seems suspect that DEC-B could not be used for Splinterlands-sold items.
  3. I do like the idea of encouraging land holders to spend extra for a speculative asset with almost no current utility.

It's just bringing forward DEC burn for land during development. DEC bonds were mentioned a while ago and you can see from how the DEC price has been drifting that tightening DEC supply would be a good thing

  1. I see it less as a band aid and more as fast tracking what will eventually happen anyway (burning DEC to survey land, upgrade guild, etc)
  2. DEC-B is given for burning DEC and then it will be burned instead of DEC for these upgrades that currently burn DEC. If you want to use it to buy things priced in DEC that don't result in burning(company revenue), sell it on the market for real DEC.