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RE: What I think about BOTs / BOTsについて思うこと

in #splinterlands2 years ago

I am not your employer; I am your friend.

I am so glad that you went outside. Kochi is amazingly pretty. I wish I can visit someday. I am outgoing is tyipically love to meet people. People normally like me on the first meet, even if they don't understand my language. I don't know if I can pull that in Japan though. I have learned, in modern Japan, people don't talk to each other much, especially in real-life, face-to-face. I find that incredibly sad. I wish Japanese society can change that slowly.

Happy birthday to you and I hope you go explore Kochi more.


Oh yeah! I reflect now that I have put up a wall between me and you.
I'm glad to hear it, my friend.
But my Japanese sensibilities make me feel sorry for saying so!
And I worry about what people around me will think of me!
I hope to have just the right distance to this feeling soon.

Yes, Japan is forever dragging its isolation. Being an island nation is probably one of the reasons.
However, we have reached a point where we can no longer say so. Globalization is inevitable. Things will surely change for the better!

Yes, I'll make time to go out for more walks on the weekends!