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RE: Energy Capture Rate and How To Manage It to Earn Larger Rewards - Splinterlands New Player Guide #05

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Great guide on how to pay attention to ECR and make the best of it in order to earn DEC along the day. I am mostly playing to complete the Daily Quest, sometimes more or less based on the League and opponents. Knowing the Golden Rule of 25 games per day correlated with splitting it into different periods of time is a good strategy to make the most of it.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks for the support! Splinterlands is a great game, but it has so many layers of in-game (Daily Quests, Leagues, Collection Power, ECR, etc.) and off-game (SPS Airdrops, Renting, 3rd-party markets, etc.) mechanics that the community has to create this kind of manual/guides to help everyone understanding what's going on. Otherwise, people will be totally lost and end up abandoning the game and the whole "Blockchain System".