Hello everyone it is I once again butops with another battlemage post to share for you all
This week we shall tackle the theme of heavy hitters
What is heavy hitters you ask? It is a ruleset in which you can deal twice the damage against foes afflicted with stun
so without further ado please enjoy and as always I always make these without copying anyone's work so be sure this is an original and not a plagiarized piece of work now then lets start
and if you guys need to actually watch my match heres the link for it right here
all right for starters here is my lineup im in wild format this season so expect some untamed mixed in there
possiblus the wise level 2
Diemonshark level 4
2nd position
tide biter level 3
3rd position
demented shark level 1
4th position
pelacor bandit level 5
5th position
igor darkspear level 1
lets begin
Round 1
tide biter goes on the 1st attack breaking the sea monster's armor
diemonshark attacks dealing 4 damage to the sea monster
the pelacor bandit crushes the chicken armor avoiding hp damage
Flying squid attacks the diemonshark armor for 3 damage
deeplurker attacks and deals 4 damage to the tide biter
igor damages the seamonster for 1 damage
Eureus attacks igor for 2 damage
sea monster attacks and destroys the diemonshark armor
end of round 1
round 2
tide biter attacks sea monster dealing 3 damage
diemonshark tramples and destroys the seamonster proceeds in destroying the flying squid armor
the pelacor bandit kills the chicken from behind
the squid attacks enraging the diemonshark and damaging it for 3 damage
the deeplurker goes for the kill on my tide biter
igor attacks dealing 1 damage to the squid
while the euraus attacks igor back for 2 damage
demented shark attacks the squid for 2 damage
end of round 2
Round 3
at the start of the turn the diemonshark attacks and kills the squid then proceeds to trample the ocean fiend destroying its armor
the pelacor bandit destroys the euraus armor
but igor is killed by the deeplurker for 4 damage
the ocean fiend attacks but misses the euraus attacks the bandit for 2 damage
the demented shark attacks the fiend and down it goes to further damage the deep lurker but misses
end of round 3
Round 4
the round begins with a diemonshark attack dealing 6 damage to the deep lurker
the bandit follows up with a killing blow to the euraeus
dealing 2 damage to fell the beast in sight
deep lurker attacks but misses
demented shark attacks but misses
end of round 4
round 5
diemonshark attacks and kills the deep lurker for 6 damage
well that ends the match now what did i learn in this match?
well primarily with the strategy being heavy hitters I should have brought a stun unit but sadly my igor is underleveled to even do it...
well this ends my post for the battlemage secrets for this week
oh right forgot to put in the link if beginners wants to play the game
and as always this has been butops
have a nice day
and happy 6th anniversary to splinterlands
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