Good morning Splinterfriends and Hivers...
The dip came. The dip is leaving... Did you buy the dip? I did... I just hope it was the right decision...
As my buddy @hewitt shared this morning...
We never really know if we bought the right dip... perhaps it dips MORE... perhaps we shoved too much and we end up on Rekt Plebs... is that still a thing?
So... if you had FIAT... and saw the dip as opportunity... what did you buy? I bought only two things... just TWO!! But they were two VERY EXPENSIVE THINGS...
The first thing I bought was a land I had been eyeing for awhile... I suppose the cat is out of the bag... or perhaps... it's getting out of the bag... so I suppose I should share something with you...
Well... not anymore... but here's the thing... everyone knows that during the Gold Rush... the people who made lots of money... weren't the people who mined Gold... they were the people who sold shovels...
I know, I know... there are no shovels in Splinterlands... right? But what DO we have... of a similar nature???
You see... up to this point, Land has been in a very basic state... With Land 1.5 we got quite the boost... but with Land 1.75... and Land 2.0... things are going to change... SIGNIFICANTLY.
In the event that you missed this announcement... or are new, like many... in the very near future, since Cryptomancer has been hard at work... with the next release(s) of Land Updates... there will only be four types of Land capable of producing Grain...
These are: Bog, Lake, Plains & River.
That's it... those are the ONLY lands that will be able to make Grain, going forward...
Interesting... but wait... since LITERALLY EVERYTHING will REQUIRE Grain... what do you think that will do to the PRICE of Grain and Grain Producing Land...
So... with that being said... I had been eyeballing a certain land for quite some time... when I looked last night... I saw the price had dropped $400!!!! Yes... that's right... one of the last remaining Legendary Plots for sale had dropped from $750 to $350... and I pulled the trigger!
What did I do with it though? To ensure I didn't screw things up... I sent it over to be with the other Grain Farms I have... so let's go see how ready I am for the upcoming craziness of Survival Mode: Grain Edition lmaoooooooooooo
How many Grain Producing Plots have I accumulated thus far...?
That's right - as of last nights purchase... I now have SIX Legendary Grain Plots... and they come with a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT bonus to Production!!! Not to mention what happens with Totems/Titles/Runi... you can REALLY crank out the Grain with these guys... and I think that's going to be VERY IMPORTANT... VERY SOON...
Don't forget - every Keep and Castle earn the "T" word... Yes... Taxes... even at 1% Capacity my Keep has about 10k Grain to collect and this is very helpful in my opinion... and it will become even more helpful as the Grain demand increases!
@vugtis is already putting an immense pressure on the Grain:DEC Liquidity Pool and the price jumped from 166 Grain per DEC to about 95 Grain per DEC almost overnight... I think this trend will continue as demand jumps and production is severely limited...
So if that was purchase number one... what was purchase number two... well I am still in the process of purchase number two... but it is a simple purchase... Hive. Lots of Hive.
My only issue now is swapping it over from LTC -> Hive without crashing the LTC market lol
So there ya have it... I bought the dip... in a big way! At least for me... a critical Legendary Grain Plot and roughly $5,000 worth of $Hive!!
Here's hoping that was the right move!!!
That's all I have for you today folks!! Thank you for reading and I would LOVE for you to join me in game!!

Naturally, after everything leading up to this moment, I do think Splinterlands and Soulkeep are some of the BEST web3 games out there!
They bring the #play2earn feature to the forefront of development as well as many opportunities for people to earn rewards - whether Player or Investor!!
If you're interested in the future of gaming, it's worth checking out!
You can sign up here: Splinterlands
Cheers 🍻,
- CaptainDingus
#Splinterlands #Hive #Soulkeep #play2earn #web3 #NFTGaming #Rebellion #Conflicts #TowerDefense
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Loved this article, and those are both some pretty good buys. I need to keep an eye out for more grain plots, probably would've gotten that Legendary plot too if I'd seen it. As for the HIVE, I too added to that during yesterday's dippetydip.
Nicely done cap.
Same to you Tofu!
I am up to 6 Lego Grain Plots... and 15 Epics... I am hoping Grain becomes a white hot commodity in the near future!
I bought quite lot of sps when they were at 0,0085 or so and thinking hey things looking good, it will pump... Today depression 😂
You could swap a little by little on hive engine an not all togheter
Yeah, that was the problem... I wanted to get into Hive at a certain price... but having to swap little by little is what cost me.
it's also true that if you enter with full budget you would still dump its a trap a way or an other 😄
Boahhh I have nothing to deploy anymore on this dip as we are all crying over the dip that came after the dip and cut everything in half...pfffff..
/closes screen
I know that feeling all too well
How dip will this dip is going. The reality is, there is no the dip. The dip now is the all time high of the pass.
I bought up all the dirt cheep grain producing plots i could just before xmas when they were on bargin sales. i got quite a few with a BIB and totem for under $12 and a couple of rares as well. Even if i can't use them all, it gives me options i didn't have.
my shopping was some Hive too... $500 but i needed some of it to buy up another couple million of grain. But left enough to do the HIVE Power up day, and i got some DEC to stake. I got a small amount of BTC as well.
Looking forward to land
Heck yeah!!
Rolling in the Dip 😭
Dip needs to un-dip... not re-dip!
You have my deepest gratitude for using gifs.
A GIF a day keeps the... Bear Market at bay!
Or something like that :)
Waiting to buy the dip later this week. But I did manage to trade back from HBD into HIVE :) Now waiting for Hive Pump to sell Hive to Buy HBD and hopefully again back into HIVE :)
You put quite a bit of LTC into Hive, nice job!
Me getting back into Hive:

I love it :)
Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

NOW YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY INVESTED ME TO JOIN THE #splinterlands game, I need time to learn how to play the game. So who will be my coach splinterfriends
My referral
Hey @techstyle - that's awesome!
Welcome to Splinterlands and I would definitely start with the Tutorials!
If you haven't, join the Discord Channel with us:
Cool I'm joining the channel now