The Hybrid Monster Manticore

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Manticore cover2.png

Monster Details

Another product of the twisted genetic experiments of the Gloridax is on the loose. The hybrid monster known as the Manticore is a cross between a Dragon, a Lion, a scorpion, and countless other monstrosities from which it draws its powers. Except when summoned to battle, the Manticore answers to no one.

Monster Level: 2
Rarity: Epic
Mana: 4
Attack Type: Melee
Attack Damage: 4
Speed: 3
Health: 6


Battle Rules

Standard- No Modification.
Mana cap of 12
All Monsters are available

With the Mana cap of 12 and seeing my enemy battle history which he seems to be not using Alric and his mages, I immediately selected my go to monster Manticore combining him with Cerberus. This combination is by par a deadly combinations in low mana battle in bronze league.

Battle Formation

Summoner: Daria Dragonscale Level 2

Daria stats.png

In bronze I can use epic level 2 summoner Daria Dragonscale. This will enable to to summon my level 2 epic monster Manticore and my level 3 rare monster Cerberus. Plus being both melee monster, Daria can add 1 damage to them.

Tank: Cerberus Level 3 (rare)


With the healing ability and health of 6 at level 3, Cerberus can sucked-up two to three attack and just cancelled those up in the next round. Plus with his melee attack of 3+1 he will surely put opponent's tank down in 2 or 3 rounds.

Second Position: Manticore Level 2 (epic)
069 - Manticore.png
Manticore, placing him next to the main tank has the ability to attack the front enemy because of his reach ability. And with his health of 6 is enough to absorb 2-3 Attacks from enemy back attacker monsters, not to mention his flying ability which will give him the chance to evade Melee or Ranged attacks.

Let's the Thrilling Battle Begin

Battle Start.png

As you can see we both used lovely Daria as our summoner. I choose fire splinter as my Allie while life splinter for the opponent. As mentioned I summoned level 3 rare monster Cerberus as my tank and level 2 rare monster Manticore in the second position. The opponent uses chicken and creeping ooze in the first and second position respectively to absorb the first round attack.

Round 1

Round 1.png

Opponent's strategy is really fantastic, he places chicken which is free of mana and creeping ooze, with the intention of absorbing my first first round attacks. With the creeping ooze, surely he will do the first attack. His main attacker Silvershield Assassin with the sneak and double strike abilities was able to attack my Manticore at the back with 2 hits 2 damage each. Thanks for the 6 health of my Manticore he was able to survive the first round.

Round 2

Round 2.png
I was able to eliminate his 2 damage taker monsters in the first round and left his main attacker untouchable. But standing alone in front of my undamaged Cerberus and surviving Manticore, his Silvershield Assassin is surely trembling in fear.

He then again start the attack in round 2. Sitting now at the front row, he can't attack Manticore at the back but instead stroked Cerberus twice with 2 damage each strike. This left Cerberus with 2 health. Now it's my turn to attack. Manticore from the back dealt 3 melee damage to the opponent leaving him with only 2 health enough for Cerberus to perform his last attack and finally put an end to the short but nerve thrilling battle.

0Daria Dragonscale.png

Thank you for reading. Please watch the thrilling battle here.

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