Utilizing Cripple and Poison in the Holy Protection ruleset

in #splinterlands11 months ago


This week, I'm sharing with you a game in Holy Protection ruleset using Quix the Devious. I utilized the power of Cripple and Poison in this ruleset. I am still sure to damage my enemy monster even on with the Divine Shield.

Holy Protection weekly challenge

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Holy Protection
Little League
Are You Not Entertained?

Mana Cap: 43
Elements: Life, Death, Dragon

Game Modifications

This is a Holy Protection ruleset game so all Monsters have the Divine Shield ability.

Holy Protection

This is a Little League ruleset game so only Monsters & Summoners that cost 4 Mana or less may be used in this battle.

Little League

This is an Are You Not Entertained? ruleset game so Players may play one additional Gladiator Card per battle.

Gladiator cards possess the Bloodlust ability, and may be purchased with Merits after Joining a Guild.
Use a summoner with Conscript to play 2 gladiator cards within this ruleset!

Are You Not Entertained?

Let the battle begin!

You may also watch battle here.

Summoner: Quix the Devious

All enemy monsters lose -1 ranged attack
All enemy monsters lose -1 speed

Quix the Devious

Pos 1 Monster: Xenith Monk

Heal - Restores 1/3 of the max health, rounded down of the Monster's health each round

Void - Enemy magic attack damage gets halved (rounded up), except attack 1 which deals 0 damage

Xenith Monk

Pos 2 Monster: Manticore

Flying - Has an increased +25% chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability

Reach - he can attack from the second position on the team

Thorns - When hit with a Melee attack, does up to 2 damage back to the attacker


Pos 3 Monster: Dhampir Infiltrator

Sneak - Targets the last Monster on the enemy Team instead of the first Monster

Double Strike - he attacks twice each round

Cripple - Each time he hits an enemy, that target loses one max health

Dhampir Infiltrator

Pos 4 Monster: Time Mage

Slow - Reduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters by -1

Rust - Reduces the Armor of all enemy Monsters by up to -2 armor

Time Mage

Pos 5 Monster: Doctor Blight

Affliction - When she hits a target, she has a 50% chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed.

Camouflage - it cannot be targeted for attacks unless it's in the first position

Poison - its attacks has 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic 2 damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied

Scavenger - Gains 1 max health each time any monster dies

Doctor Blight

Pos 6 Monster: Venari Crystalsmith

Tank Heal - Restores 1/3 of the max health, rounded up of the Monster in the first position's health each round

Dispel - When this monster hit an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy

Venari Crystalsmith

Can't wait to see them in action? Let's watch the game.

You may also watch battle here.

Hope you learned something from my game and how I came up with this lineup.
What would you have done differently given the same ruleset, mana cap and active elements? Let us know by dropping a comment.

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