Where's The Stampede?

In this week’s Battle Mage Secrets, we look at the Stampede ruleset and see what strategy works when Trample retriggers infinitely as long as the trampling unit keeps killing other units. Because not many cards have the Trample ability, this is a ruleset that favors using Possibilus the Wise as he grants all units the Trample ability.


For this battle, I have gone with Possibilus the Wise as my summoner because I want all my units to have the Trample ability to trigger the stampede.

1st position - The Kraken - Taunt ability to be a shock absorber for my other units. Also does a lot of damage.
2nd position - Coastal Sentry - Possibilus also grants the Reach ability that will allow the Sentry to attack from the 2nd position while taking cover from the Kraken
3rd position - Furious Chicken - A buffer for my non melee attackers to hopefully let them do damage and survive an additional round
4th position - Djinn Oshannus - Although more powerful with Alric, Djinn Oshannus has the void ability in case my opponent goes with a magic attack strategy
5th position - Venari Wavesmith - I wanted my units to have 2 extra shield to weather melee attacks. the Ruler of the Seas because of the explosive damage that he does


This was a closely fought battle with our tanks dying by early in the third round. My opponent's use of the resurrect made a big difference with my heavy attackers wasting attacks on his resurrected tank.


I was winning but the turning point came when my opponent used the Martyr ability to boost his Deeplurker. Once it had killed off my Coastal Sentry, I wasn't able to do enough damage per round to overcome his tank heal. And so my opponent was able to grind out a win with the help of Tank Heal. It just goes to show how victory can be snatched from the jaws of defeat.


You can check out the entire battle here: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_4878d12a25c16da48f350c1729ec27f3&ref=charcoalbuffet

That's all for this Stampede edition of the Battlemage Secrets. See you in the next one.


The healing card also did a lot of damage, plus your opponent used the Herondale's ability to actually hive his tank card a second chance, it's an articulate lineup.

It really is a good strategy with the only vulnerability being a sneak or rust.

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