How i started my splinterlands journey

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Hey guys, i'm joed chan my ign is colossal. I started playing play to earn games last year. The first play to earn game i play is cryptoblades but sadly i didn't get a roi from that game so i started searching for other games and thats where i found a card game called SPLINTERLANDS. So i started searching about the mechanics of the game and after that i purchase the spellbook worth 10$. I grinded so bad because there is no one there to support me on my rentals and i also don't have the money to fund my rentals even though i have the funds i dont know either what cards to rent. So i grinded for 1 season without any rental cards. So my very first end season in the game comes, i only finish silver 3 on that season without rental card and luckily the end season rewards gives me 500 dec and a sandworm. After the end of season i already figured out the mechanic of the game that the higher the league the higher the rewards so i started renting card and gain more assets.Then few season passed by, im already at that point where i need to roi but this is what i received.this is more than what i invested in the game.

And it comes to my mind to flex the money to my friends and they become interested on how i earn that money so i introduce them to the game called SPLINTERLANDS and now i have friends who are playing the game with me.

After how many months of playing SPLINTERLANDS, I've seen a post on one of the local establishment in Calbayog City,Samar that they are having an event.the Mango Lounge & Estates.

Me and my friends decided to attend the said event. And thats the time i meet @mangomayhem and @lvluplife. They are the one that guide us and helped us understand more the game SPLINTERLANDS. They are the one who taught us how to do liquidity pool which i dont know that time.

I also become a member of Calbayog Splinterlands Ph. It's a DAO that mainly focus on helping local gamers in Samar. This DAO is an idea of @mangomayhem and @lvluplife to build the splinterlands community in Calbayog City,Samar, Philippines. Right now there's a total of 20 DAO players and i'm one of them.


Then the very first DAO live event comes, there is a tournament on the said event and guess what i become the very first champion of the DAO LIVE TOURNAMENT .
3RD Nick
And 2 new DAO player @arne360 and @gottaka
With the 2 of the investors @mangomayhem and @lvluplife


And we also have the second DAO live event few days ago on MANGO LOUNGE AND ESTATES.


Thats how my splinterlands journey goes. From a solo player now i have so many friends who are playing with me and we all enjoy playing splinterlands. If you get up to here thank you for reading my blog on my splinterlands journey.



nice!. im gonna share my journey on my next blog hehe😁

Yeah you should share it

This is so inspirational, I will share this with @chatter, I am sure her knows what we are doing in Calbayog, but to see it from other people, that's pretty awesome. Dont forget to share the link on Splinterlands PH and tag people like Ace Lim, I hope more Filipinos start utilizing these tools and capture the earning opportunity.

Thank you brother. Having the head of marketing read my blog is already a big thing to me 😆

keep grinding & building up your assets

Thank brother. Im starting to build my account. With the help of @leveluplifeph and @mangomayhem .


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