
Thanks for stopping by!

I cannot give advice to any player because everyone should do their own research and everyone's situation is different. But if you're asking what I do...

I burn a lot of them, but my strategy usually involves opening as many packs as possible. I've been lucky this way for years now, so instead of holding onto a highly-valued card, I usually decide to sell (or burn) them pretty quickly.

I've burned 3 Gold Foil Legendaries. Two of them were Untamed Legendaries that I burned to buy packs in the Halfling Alchemist Promo. That worked out great too, since I found one of the Gold Foil ones.

I have also always been a fan of selling Gold cards and using the proceeds to enhance my standard foil deck. I hardly have any of my Alpha Golds left.

I like instant gratification, which burning provides. It also increases scarcity, which I also like. :)

As far as the value of DEC, I don't know. As long as packs are priced at a set amount of DEC, can it really go up that much?