How to get stronger in Splinterlands without buying cards and committing your credits/DEC

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)


Hi !
This is the first post I publish in this great community.

I've been playing Splinterlands for a month but until recently with little success.
I spent the time delving into the mechanics and figuring out which cards to buy and after the first timid purchases I realized that they weren't enough even to reach the Bronze II league.
After all, the cards that really make the difference are quite expensive, aren't they?

How then?

By renting the cards, of course.

What I will explain in this post, however, is how to rent cards in a sustainable way, considering the budget you can spend and, indeed, managing everything as an investment.

The method is relatively simple, albeit a bit convoluted.

Decide on the budget you want to spend right from the start.

You can play Splinterlands for free, just buying the summoner's spellbook but the process would be very slow.
How many of you who read this post are stuck in the Bronze II league? I feel your pain.
Moreover, if you finally decide to buy some cards and they do not make you win, you find yourself back to square one.

The method.

If you buy SPS instead you can stake them and gradually increase the amount of SPS you have (also consider the effect of compound interest).
Additionally, you can transfer the vouchers you get by staking SPS to Hive, convert them into DEC, and send those DEC back to your Splinterlands account.
You can then use the DEC generated through this method to rent the cards you need to win and move up to higher leagues.
Once you get to Bronze II you will start earning DEC by also winning fights.

The amount of DEC generated and, consequently, how many DEC you can have to rent the cards obviously depends on how many SPS you hold in staking.
This depends on your particular situation but if you have the possibility I suggest to start with at least 500 SPS to generate a decent amount of DEC. 1000 SPS will give you a nice amount of DEC to make things really move upward.
Not only, in this way you won't committ your hard earned DEC/SPS/HIVE.

This is only the first part.
In the second part of this guide I will suggest which cards to rent to ensure you reach the Bronze II league and from there begin, I hope, your glorious climb through the leagues.
After I will consider writing a guide in which I go even deeper into the SPS airdrop and staking mechanics, it all depends on You. Let me know in the comments!

Thank you in advance for your support. Soon the second part !


Congrats on your first post in @splinterlands I started playing in October 2021 and I like the the game very much. Earning DEC through gameplay takes time, however, if you do the daily quests you will win some cards and credits. Then you can use the credits to buy cards. Sometimes the cards you buy will be good enough to rent to others and then you earn passive DEC. Keep up the good post and I will follow you.

Thanks for stopping by to read my post and for the encouragement!
I tried to just do the daily quests but they are not enough to get to higher leagues in a short timeframe and as I like this game, I bought SPS and decided to go this route. The advantage of the method I suggest here is that you do not put your budget at risk by buying cards that might end up not being useful for the strategy you want to pursue. Instead with this method you only use the interest generated by leaving the SPS in staking. The other advantage being if you realize the rented cards not to be good enough you can change strategy (and cards) on the go. I feel like this method can be a better way of "grinding" cards and get into higher leagues.

Hello, @cunctator89

This is @fionasfavourites from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome! It would also be awesome if you could do an introduction post, so our community can get to know you better. For an example of what an intro post is like, you can check out this one by my friend & curation team member - Keeping Up With the Buzz – My Introduction to the Hive Community.

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Also since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

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For now, @lovesniper will follow your account and we are looking forward to seeing your intro post. Also, you are welcome to tag me (@fionasfavourites) and please mention @lovesniper in your intro post in order for us to be notified, so we can consider your post for OCD curation. Feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server if you have any questions!

Dear @fionasfavourites (@lovesniper), thank you very much for your support and for the many suggestions. Be sure I will follow @ocd and, with Your permission, share with you my ideas with the community you created.

Please excuse me if I refuse to write a proper introductory post to introduce myself.
It's something I absolutely don't like doing.
I have always written about concepts, ideas and as I do so, my personality and who I am will emerge.
I hope I don't disappoint you too much with this rejection. Really, it's one of the very few times I say no when it comes to writing. For everything else, consider me a member of your community.

I do not have the opportunity to write as prolifically as I would like, both for work reasons and for the other projects I am carrying out (a website that will go online in a few months).
However, my (few) posts will always be extremely detailed and full of information and / or analysis.

I consider myself an expert in subjects such as Geopolitics, History, Politics, Economics (macro or investments), Science and Technology and a little bit in some other subjects but I believe that for now I will mainly talk about Crypto here on Hive.
I could rather talk about these interests of mine and why I believe that, taken together, they are important for understanding the reality that surrounds us.
However, I terribly hate to talk about who I am, about my work, et cetera because I am literally what I write, not what I do at this stage of my life, as it does not reflect who I am.

I hope, again, that you understand and look forward to hearing from you with any questions, suggestions or any other reasons.
Thank you, guys!

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