[Splinterlands] 09.12.2022 Daily Healing Focus Points Rewards

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Hello dear Splinterlands Players👋

My Daily Focus Quest for yesterday was the Healing Faction❤️. I completed 1 Chest📪 for that day (as I started to invest(around 20€) a bit, after long time being Free2play Player with Spellbook.)


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Anyways my Reward from that Chest was:


  • Pelacor Conjurer Card (0.009$)

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I am heading to reinvest more into Splinterlands, as I am earn high Amounts of Starbits every day in Rising Star. If you want to support me, I would be happy for your Upvote

So have a good Day and I will see you tomorrow again, for daily/season reports of my Chest in Splinterlands or Earnings in Rising Star