Splinterlands Stats | May 2020 | Games, Players, DEC and Price

in #splinterlands4 years ago

The last month for the game on the Steem blockchain. Starting from June 2nd all the Splinterlands transactions are now recorded on the Hive blockchain. I’m personally glad for this, as no need to query the Steem blockchain for Splinterlands data going forward.

Overall, the game seems to be building a momentum in the wider crypto space, not just the Hive/Steem ecosystem. Lets check the numbers.


All the data presented is collected from the Steem Blockchain.
The following topics will be covered:

  • Number of games played
  • Number of active players
  • New Players
  • New Accounts created by Splinterlands
  • DEC burned
  • DEC Price
  • Most active players

Number of games played

Here is the chart of the daily numbers of games played for the last year.


A clear uptrend can be noticed here 😊. There is a more visible increase in May 2020. Nice!

Number of active players

This is one of the most important metrics for every dApp, how many active users have there are. Here is a data for daily active users [DAU] and monthly active users as well [MAU]


The number of daily active users is growing at a steady rate as we can see. In May 2019 there were just above 1000 daily active users and in the previous months this number is more than a 2000, reaching a 2600 daily active players on May 2020.

Next, the chart on the monthly active players.


The number of monthly active users have grown from 3000 to a 5000 in the last year. May has been a record high month for the numbers of active users (5070), after a small decrease in the previous months.

Unique Players

Above we have seen the number of active players. Here is the chart on unique players that have played at least one game.


A nice and steady growth here. Note that this is data from May 2019, previous unique players are not taken into consideration. Starting with around 2k and growing all the way to 11k unique players till May 2020.

The monthly chart for new unique players looks like this.


May has been a great month for new users trying out the game, with a total of 871 new accounts playing for the first time. It’s a record high number in this category as well.


It is obvious that in the last months, starting from November 2019 more accounts were created. The number have went up from around 500 in May 2019 to 2500 in April 2020, and 1500 in May 2020.

If we plot the two charts from above, new unique players VS accounts created we got this.


In June 2019 the number of new players trying the game is actually bigger than the accounts created by Splinterlands. This means at the time the new players were coming from the accounts that already existed. In the last months, the number of new accounts created by Splinterlands is bigger that the new unique players, meaning they are getting players outside the already existing ones on the blockchain.

DEC burned

Another interesting metric is DEC burned. DEC is burned when buying potions, orbs, skins and guilds upgrade.
Here is the chart for the all time DEC burned vs created.


The first few months after DEC was launched in May 2019 are volatile, after some balance seems to be achieved with more DEC burned at the end of November due to the launch of the new Untamed edition and end of the presale campaign. After this it seems that DEC is burnt less especially with the introduction of potions and orbs as rewards. Note that the amount of daily DEC created is also decreasing with time.

The DEC created line above is from the daily DEC inflation that should be just bellow 900k at this moment. Recently I have looked into the amount of DEC from cards burning and in the last year there was more than 370 million DEC created from burning cards, or on average more than 1M DEC per day.

DEC Price

What about the DEC price?
Here is the chart on all time DEC price in dollars [$].


We can see an overall steady decrease in price from around 0.0010 to 0.0005 and then up to a 0.0008 in April. Some upward action finally 😊.

The chart for May 2020, for better visibility.


All the best


I just started 2 days ago :)
Was always reluctant, but when they moved to Hive, I thought I should now really try.

Ha ... good luck :)

Interesting to hear that someone started the game becouse they moved to hive!

Yes, just to show some appreciation for the decision!

Things are looking good!

Not bad at all ... It will be interesting if the game actually reaches a 100k DAU one day :)

I'm just going to make sure I've got a few cards I won't mind parting with to be able to cash in if it does!

Excellent analysis!
I'm really pleased to see all these metrics increasing.
I know some people are upset by bots but they ensure there is always someone(thing) to play against at the lower levels.
The transition from playing mostly level 1 bots to seriously high level human players around Gold I to Diamond III is quite abrupt.

Thank you!

I'm not totaly aware about the leve of bots ..... I'm playing in champion and I know for sure there are a few bota there ... in the top 100... less then 5... But it makes sense for the lowere levels, couse the top players are overall more engaged.

Really hope the trend on Splinterlands continues to rise! I know @aggroed is investing into 3 types of google ad campaigns, so really hoping to see how that pays off.

From what I gather from the Splinterland updates, seems like the google ad campaign is really paying off, plus Splinterland continues to stay #1 on the DAPP radar!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Wasn't aware of the google ad campaigns. Good to know... numbers looking good!

yea, I'm pretty sure that's the biggest driver of the recent surge in volume as well

Growing number of new unique players and increasing DEC burn rate are very positive things. Thanks for stats, now I understand better why DEC went up quicker than I expected.

Reading these stats is such a thrill. Growing and growing, my favorite game. Thanks for the post.


Great Report!

Do you know is the issued amount of DEC each day is fixed meaning players will only earn half in case the number of active users doubles over time? If this is the case, I guess they could increase the pegged $ amount for 1000 DEC which is currently at 1$ to 1.5$ or 2$.

Also what happens to the DEC that is used to buy Untamed Packs, is it burned, used to fund tournament prizes or just sold by the devs on the market.

Yes the DEC issued is fixed and its slowly going down ... at least that how it was announced a year ago ... started with 1M DEC per day and its somewhere around 880k atm ... will they change the peg in the future ... dont know ... but it will be nice if the game have a higher valued currency ....

Also what happens to the DEC that is used to buy Untamed Packs, is it burned, used to fund tournament prizes or just sold by the devs on the market.

It is not burned .... what are they doing with it is up to them ...

Thanks for the info, I figured they must be burning the DEC that comes in from people buying packs with it since they stopped paying referrals for DEC purchases.

What I don't understand is why people burn cards for DEC, you get a terrible rate compared to what you an sell them for!

Posted Using LeoFinance

Usually the reward cards are burned .... and most of the DEC comes from the gold foil rewards ...
Lately there is less burning cards


Is buying DEC a good way to passively invest in Splinterlands?

Posted Using LeoFinance

IMO not really ... DEC is pegged to $ atm.... 2000 DEC = 2$....better to buy rare cards and rent them ... legendary summoners are probably the best for that ... but not totally sure ... who knows what can happen :)

Posted Using LeoFinance

Thanks @dalz.

That makes a lot of sense actually.

Posted Using LeoFinance

A great Splinterlands post as always! Love it!

Thank you @clove71!

Must love having such an increase in the active players in Splinterlands that simply shows what a great game and community it is.