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RE: Opening a NFT card shop in Splinterlands for $25+

Sorry I am python noob and not very good at debugging it. I updated to the latest version but I get the following error while trying a dry run (nice option). I suspect card_detail_id and edition are both integers while gold is a string this is a problem. Also I had to tweak the bid json to "gold":"True" (quotes around True)

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ubuntu/splinterlands/beem/", line 93, in
if(not buy_first(bids, args.owner, args.dry)):
File "/home/ubuntu/splinterlands/beem/", line 77, in buy_first
for sale in get_sorted_sales(bid["card_detail_id"], bid["edition"], bid["gold"]):
TypeError: string indices must be integers

ps - doominion-spy ran out of RC and couldnt post so I had to switch accounts


Hmm. Well "gold" should be just the symbol true, not the string "True".

Could it be that your bids.json is not an array? Happy to help debug it if it's something else too.


{ "card_detail_id": 439, "amount": 2, "bid_usd": "6.00", "edition": 7, "gold": True }

Edit: code

with "gold":True I get errors in json.loads
with "gold":true or "gold":"True" I get the set_sorted_sales error I mentioned previously.