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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Sell 2B DEC-B for DEC or Vouchers

Yeah we'll see the final form of this proposal and if it does make sense once final, so be it.

Not a big fan of this section especially :

"Once implemented, the SPS stakeholder community can vote to conduct a sale of a specified amount of DEC-B tokens, at any price in DEC and/or VOUCHER tokens, at any time, and for a specified amount of time, in order to help bolster the demand for DEC when/if it is needed."

If it's soulbound that will be less of a problem but I still don't understand why we need a new token for that.

Did we needed a new token in order to make the Xmas sells on pack?

But again, as not convinced as I am currently, we'll give them the benefit of the doubt and simply vote accordingly.