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RE: Chaos Legion General Sale & Volume Discount Details

That is a valid point, but keep in mind, that the 6M packs will be offered to active guilds. These are for the most part players, who would have purchased big chunks of the packs anyway and this way, they can pool their resources. And on the general sale release day, the shop is not overrun with those people but only us ordinary users, who purchase a few to a few hundred packs.
The queue will be much shorter that way in my opinion. Whales and big guilds will have their fair share and money is not infinite. I guess, there will be plenty for us on the first day of the general sale and we still get the promo cards for the other 6M if we purchase in the 24 hours of release.
Seems fair to me.


I play axie and I know those guilds and what kind of "players" they bring... The issue I see is that they dont bring players they bring "schoolarships". The main difference between those is that schoolarships only invest once or when its absolutely necesary. After that inicial investment they just extract money from the game. They work the same as bots. When you make it really cheap for them to enter then is a no brainer for them.
Of course you can argue that those players are not actually bots and might like the game and reinvest with their own accounts. Well thats true but unlikely (on a grand scale). Or at least I think there are better ways to atract those users. You can do promotions for big youtubers and that kind of stuff and will probably have the same results.
I have no doubt that the active daily users will increase but they wont bring money into the ecosystem wich is what every crypto game needs.
Those are my main concerns with this, I saw it happend on other crypto games, even in axie. In fact those guilds are not investing this money in axie because axie its not what it used to be in terms of profit.

I think, I know what you mean and that is a valid point. Let's hope, devs keep an eye on those players or on any kind of abuse. Well, abuse is a harsh word, but you're right. When players only extract value from the game, because they can pay monthly bills with that money, it is difficult for SL to grow further.

Yeah for sure. Sadly there will always be those looking to extract value. We see it on hive all the time.

Your point is valid tho. I think we will have the opportunity to buy the packs we want on the first day. Im not that much worried about that (only a little heh).
But I still think is a bad move overall and wont help the game, quite the opposite. I really would like that the few assets I have keep their value somehow, I dont want what happend to axie to happend to splinterlands.