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RE: Things I wish I would have done...

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Are you in a guild yet? And I do think I may be able to help ya a little. I love nightmare. He has a wonderful ability called phase. At level 5 and up, but if your talking low mana battles. I would focus on one really good tank like Groudon. Back him up with a decently healthy ranged monster followed swiftly by magic attackers. Something like the screaming banshee or to he ghost soldier dude, or the witch. Low mana cost, high magic attack. Because magic by passes the armor.

Problem is, I'm not the only one that's realized this. So you need a card that has strong defenses against magic. Like, rowster owtell. or the rusty android. Mainly, you want something like the undead lich because it heals at the same time fishing out 3 on damage per attack. (And this is level 1.) Using peak monsters to rent you can obtain a decent team for like 5 days for under a thousand dec if you shop and pay attention to what your doing. But If your doing this, definitely pick up dark ha'on. Are you building your own cards? Or renting?


No, I'm not in a guild, never joined one. I've been playing for 18 days now. Nightmare gains phase at level 6, that means its only available in gold league, right? I'm not even in silver yet lol. Whos this Groudon? I can't find it.. I like Owster Rotwell for my summoner I've been considering it.. I'm doing a bit of both, but mostly renting for now..

Groudon is a pretty awesome card. I wanna say he's an untamed beast for the death splinter. And that's not entirely true. But yeah you might be right. When my guild expands again, if your interested I'll save you a spot in it

You mean The Gorlodon? 9 mana melee card with reach ability? Powerful card yeah I can see it.. Sure man, I would love to, got lots to learn, save me a spot and let me know, I'll follow you

I'll let you know bud. Just check in once in a while. Gonna be a bit, right now we are in the process of building up our guild.

Will do man, thanks. I check hive everyday anyway, keep me posted ^^