Splinterlands - Fighting against stronger opponents

in #splinterlandslast year

one of the things i like the most, one of the things i find very enjoyable in Splinterlands is fighting against stronger opponents
it's the time you put your Skills to the test
i don't want you to get the wrong impression , most of the times you will fight against a stronger deck you will lose unless you are that kind of player who can get everything in right place , read perfectly your opponent and have the best cards available even if they are not upgraded...plus you must know the correct combos meaning which cards you should get together to your battling team

battling against a stronger deck is always challenging ,brainteaser and gives you much satisfaction when the outcome is positive for your team
my curse is to fight against stronger opponents cause i prefer to climb the leagues instead of staying in my lvl-league and try to reach the first places, my deck is heading to Silver , at the moment i would say it is 65% bronze - 35% Silver so when i must fight against Gold or Diamond decks you can understand the difficulty i face
if you consider the miss chance - WHICH is TOTALLY in favor of upgraded Cards- you can understand that things get much worst ( i'm always saying this ,i will repeat myself one more time, please @splinterlands dev-team FIX this issue, miss chance must be the same for everybody according to the stats of each card and not the lvl of it )

splinterlands battling 2.jpg

one of the battles i'm very proud of, is the following and this is the reason i'm spending these lines to share it with you
you can click here in order to watch the battle


as you can clearly see in the above picture ,me and my rival decided to play with the Life Splinter
we had 3 Splinters to choose from.. Fire, Death and Life..
it was more than obvious that my opponent would get General Sloan and the Life Splinter
i had to decide fast what strategy i should follow against such a powerful disputant
his deck was maximum upgraded for the league we were playing in

the strategy i usually follow in such circumstances is Combo Resurrection- Void Armor
the cards which could guarantee the success of this battle-plan were Legionnaire Alvar , High Priest Darius and the great Summoner Chanseus the Great...i also used Adelade to help Alvar restoring his armorin every round and i was hoping all that would be enough to give me the victory

when the teams revealed i saw something which turned down my moral for a second
it was my opponent's tank Uriel the Purifier...a lvl 2 Uriel is very difficult to be defeated as he can heal itself
thank god one of the battle rules was Armored Up which gave one more advantage to my team cause it granted Alvar with an extra 2 armor ...Uriel also got this gift but it was irrelevant to my team as my magic attack monsters could penetrate armor....Uriel doesn't have 'Void Armor' ability so he could not compete Alvar at this

so my tank was Alvar, second place Bila ,third place Darius and in fourth place Adelade
these cards were actually my core fighters upon which i trusted this battle
in the last 2 places i got Light Elemental and Renova just to get some extra attack power plus Renova granted the whole team with an extra life point


first round had 28 phases!...can you imagine this 28 different phases and when it was over i already had lost my Alvar once but Darius's resurrect brought him back to life
almost half way the second round my Alvar was dead again ,and this time was the Summoner's turn to bring him back to life
Uriel was still there though...standing vigorously in the battle field
i had to take him down
at the end of this second round i managed to kill Uriel but my rival's Adelade having the resurrect ability brought him back to life....THANK GOD Uriel does not Void Armor
Uriel got dead the second after he came back to life and i believe that was the end of the battle
my opponent having no tank was vulnerable to my attack power
in the third round he lost Prismologist due to the counter attacks of 'Fire and Regret' rule so there was nothing more to wait except defeat...


the beginning of fourth round found my opponent with only 2 range attack monsters ,tired and wounded through this breath taking fight
it took only 7 phases to be over and i celebrated one of my greatest victories against a very strong opponent!!


i enjoyed so much this fight ,i believe it was the only way to win such an opponent but i'm open to advice from experienced players if they think otherwise
no matter what anyone thinks though ,for me it is a master piece where Skills defeated Money and Power
i'm trying to focus my strategies in this kind of play against stronger opponents, this is what i like best
hope you liked it as well ,thanks for stopping by and never forget
despite the difficult period of time we are going through with all these bears around

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Thanks for sharing! - Underlock#8573

Great battle report. I hope the bull will come again soon.

Posted via Veews

bulls will come back again for sure ,i just don't think it will be so soon....


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