Splinterlands Card Giveaway #100 - BETA CARDS

in #splinterlandslast year (edited)

Hello Splinterlands and HIVE Community!

Welcome to my giveaway!

I will try to keep the giveaway almost every single day so please let me know if you would like to be tagged, so you will receive a Notification every time i am adding a new giveaway!

If you are looking for more ways to earn Crypto-Currency's you can join:



Let's go straight to business!

Gifted Cards

Here are the cards you can choose from in this giveaway:



Rules for this giveaway:

  • Comment on this post what card do you want from the ones in the picture
  • If your Splinterlands username is not the same as here, put it in the comment
  • You don't need to upvote, follow or reblog, but is greatly appreciated (such as beer, pizza, luv, etc.) and will help increase the rewards of future giveaways
  • Your reputation level needs to be 25 or higher, and a single comment per Splinterlands account will be eligible

For choosing the winner i will be using https://filoz.info/picker/... and Yes the Winner will receive the chosen card in the following 24h!

Thanks for participating, good luck, stay well and stay healthy and see you all on the Splinterlands battlefield!

Previous participants:
@henruc, @tengolotodo, @luizeba, @amaillo, @pix21, @lordanquek, @luckbound, @qoogohome, @seeweed, @tokutaro22, @darthsauron, @rtonline, @arpuch, @jfang003, @gregory-f, @dkid14, @vrezyy, @ericburgoyne, @screamheart, @agog, @blockchainleo, @jdike, @jmehta, @sheikh27, @stamato, @kimikimi, @deathstarer7, @uglykillerpigz, @irisworld, @haizelanne, @hoosie, @gs1, @alex2alex, @blitzzzz, @engilhramn, @thaddeusprime, @yeckingo1, @pregosauce, @subidu, @charlrific, @rimurutempest, @vagabond42069, @pero82, @marleyroots, @flummi97, @pero821, @dstampede, @criptosectadepit, @bokica80, @imfarhad, @noctury, @senyong, @bitandi, @bechibenner, @kalib, @amaari, @kryptofire, @homeboy0130, @the01crow, @bilidrg, @daniarc, @ternizator, @kojiri, @crazyphantombr, @ianballantine, @yorra, @yokosama, @daethical, @javeson, @thebighigg, @pirulito.zoado, @jarmeson, @emeraldtiger, @memess, @valggav, @caimanx, @ebastion, @krakonos, @kahyazhe, @treefrognada,




This post has been supported by @Splinterboost with a 12% upvote! Delagate HP to Splinterboost to Earn Daily HIVE rewards for supporting the @Splinterlands community!

Delegate HP | Join Discord

ettin spearman
please add my name in the draw, thanks

Goblin Mech
Count me in @tokutaro22

Congratulations to the winner!
I want to participate @yeckingo1
Thank you very much for the giveaway and good luck to all the participants.

The vulture for me please @engilhramn

Goblin Mech
Count me in!
ign: @pero82
!PGM !LOL !LUV !gif cheers

Count me in

Nice cards
count me in please

Highland Archer please. @flummi97

ettin spearman
count me in

Count me in my friend
Goblin Mech

Goblin Mech looks fun! I'd love to try him out :)

count @jdike in for Vampire

Tómame en cuenta! Ettin spearman @kahyazhe !PIZZA !KING


$PIZZA slices delivered:
ericburgoyne tipped geom
@noctury(1/15) tipped @geom
kahyazhe tipped geom

Thanks for the chance!


Highland Archer

count me in @jfang003

Goblin Mech please!

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS - 0.01 WOO tokens

remaining commands 11


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Count me in again 👍🏻 Thanks! @blitzzzz
Goblin Mech

count me in



Goblin Mech

Goblin Mech
Count me in @rtonline

baby unicorn for me please @ericburgoyne



Goblin Mech please !

Screeching Vulture

You have won the card in this round, @noctury! Congratulations!


Thanks for participating and supporting the giveaway!

Ettin Spearman
IGN: gregory-f

Count me in
!gif thank you

It is a nice initiative you have started in the Splinterlands community.
Count me in
Thank you