Splinterfest 2022 - An Awesome Experience All Around! Did You Get All 12 Team Member Cards?

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Photo Oct 09 2022, 22 14 29.jpg

I've got no new music to share

today, as the past two days I've been at Splinterfest 2022, here in Las Vegas! Super convenient, since I live here, although as it turns out, driving to the strip was more of a nightmare than just staying down there, haha, so next time around, if it's here again, I may just book a room and camp out there for the weekend. I had an amazing time meeting all my fellow Team Members and all you players there; putting faces to screen names was a lot of fun.

The first day, security-legend Noda

let me know that I had business cards upstairs in the VIP room! I'd been under the impression they were coming to me via mail, so that was an awesome surprise! Collecting all 12 employee cards turned out to be a totally sporadic event this weekend, but a lot of people were participating, and quite a few collected them all! A couple people even managed to get ALL of them WITH signatures on all of them, which is a pretty dope collection! I have to say, having people ask for an autograph was a bit of a surreal experience, lol. Even just having people ask for cards was awesome, it made us team members feel pretty great haha, so thanks everyone! If you're collecting and for some reason you missed me this weekend, you can let me know here, or hit me on Discord, I can mail one to you probably.

The panels were awesome,

and there was some really cool stuff previewed for Rebellion and Land, along with Tower Defense and GLS. Getting to see this stuff on the HUGE screen there was a pretty impressive thing, and I think it hyped up people pretty well! The tournaments also were a lot of fun to watch. The first day, my friend @bitcoinsig did SUPER well, so was hoping he'd make it to the end, but alas, things didn't turn in his favor on Day 2. @brybro27 did great too, was great to meet him IRL and then watch kick some serious Splinter in the tourney!

If you were there, I hope you had as great of a time as I did, and hope to see everyone (and MORE) next time around!!

All of us from the team on stage together at the end of the stream! An amazing end to an amazing weekend!

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All 12 Possible Employee Business Cards (plus 1 of the 3 possible Riftwatchers cards from Aftersound). If you need one of mine, you can let me know here, or hit me on Discord, I can mail one to you probably.

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Wen Land? Panel, aka Creative - Entering Praetoria!

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Check out my Instagram Music Page!

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Splinterfest was beyond everything, it is so cool how people around the world are united in one cause.

It is not just a game, it is a big community.

Yea it was a lot of fun!

Grap, I'm so glad I got to meet you! The man that helped me get where I am today, both as a Splinterlands player and a team member. Couldn't have done it without you, so thanks for everything man!

Was great hanging with you too man, definitely excited for the next Splinterfest already! Funny to think back on how it all started on Telegram, hehe.

Some days your #1 with 12-2 in the tournament, the next day you are 1-1 in a best of three and get the lurker to knock you out the first round. Guess who's renting the lurker now....