Taunt and Thorns, Two Truly Useful Abilities - A Splinterlands Walkthrough for the Brand New Players

in #splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

taunt sandthosn.jpg

I was looking through the list of

Sea Monster's Thorns cause damage when hit with a melee attack.
abilities and figured I'd pick two of the T's, Taunt and Thorns, and explain their uses. I have grown to love these abilities, and use them very often, at least whenever I can and it makes sense. Since only certain monsters have certain abilities at certain levels, you always want to confirm that you have the correct summoner levels to allow your monsters to be summoned at the level you expect. I've found a number of new players level up their monsters in hopes of getting better abilities, but forget/don't know to upgrade their summoners, and are unable to utilize these things, so always be careful of that when you're starting out. If you click you summoner in your collection, and then click the 'Stats' tab, you will see a chart of the maximum levels your monsters can be summoned at (changes by rarity) for each level your summoner gains.

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Taunt is a newer ability, which I've come to use quite a bit,

The Kraken may cost a lot of Mana, but it has taunt, and a lot of health.
particularly with the Kraken, which was released in the previous set of new reward cards. For a long time, I did not have this card, but once the mana caps were increased in games, sometimes up to 99 mana, and this card was released, I came to use it quite often, even just at level 1. It starts at that level with 4 Melee Damage, 4 Speed, 3 Armor, and 14 Health, which is pretty great. The 12 mana cost is one of the most expensive, but in a 99 Mana game, you have plenty of wiggle room. Of course, this card also has the Taunt ability, which causes ALL enemy monsters to target the Kraken, if they're able to. This will take all the Magic and Ranged Damage off of your tank. Sometimes, this isn't beneficial, but I've found that extra health that is saved usually allows my tank to outlive the enemy's which is super helpful early in the battle. The 14 health of Kraken allows it to take quite a bit of extra damage, much more than a lot of 'typical' tanks, so you can get some good mileage out of it. A few of the monsters with Taunt are Legendary cards, meaning they're more rare and expensive, but there is also a Common card, the Shieldbearer, in the Life Splinter, which you can use and level up for a reasonable price. They're all also decently high in Mana cost, but again, the Shieldbearer is the most reasonable of the three, at 8 mana. The Kraken requires the most Mana, at 12.

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The cards with Taunt, sorted by Splinterfilter, a great tool.

Thorns is the next ability up, and

The Thorns ability helps against monsters with Melee attacks.
is probably the most used ability for me personally, and one of the most common you'll see with enemy decks. When a monster with Thorns is attacked by Melee damage, it in turn does damage back to the creature attacking it, as if it were covered with thorns that would hurt anything that hit them. This allows you to hit your opponent with damage even when it is their turn to attack. You'll find this very useful against the tank card, and a second-place card with Reach. In addition, if you place a card with Thorns at the back of your line, it will do damage to any monsters that attempt to use the Sneak ability. This can make or break games, so always double check the rules in your match, and play your Thorns accordingly.

The monsters with Thorns, including the new Dark Sentinel, are pictured below.

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I hope you have found this little walkthrough about these two abilities interesting. I figured I'll do these every so often, perhaps with 2 or 3 abilities each time, to slowly help new players acclimate to the wealth of possibilities in choice and strategy.,

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