A reward card that is a great choice for your splinterlands battles, see for yourself in this post.

in #splinterlands2 years ago

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In this post I will talk about one of the current splinterlands bounty cards and also show it in battle so you can see how useful and underrated it is, this card is Venari Bonesmith and he is a rare death deck card.

If you usually use the death deck then you must know that there are many amazing cards to use so you must be wondering why choose Venari Bonesmith for battles when there are so many options?. In this post I will explain about him and why I consider him a great choice among so many but of course it depends on the strategy for the battle, let's start talking about and mainly about his abilities.

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The first thing you need to know is that Venari Bonesmith is a card with magic attack and this is already a positive point for him because cards with magic attack ignore the shield of enemy cards and directly attack their health, but there is an exception that is the Void armor skill.

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This is the first positive point of this card, the second positive point is the fact that it has only 4 mana cost so it's the type of card you can use in practically every battle because it won't spend a lot of mana and besides she can also participate in battles with the Little League rule.

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Venari Bonesmith's speed isn't low if you consider its mana cost so it's a good thing and its health isn't low either. These are his main points and also his stats, now let's talk about his skills.

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He has the Life Leech skill which is his default skill since level 1 and it causes Venari Bonesmith to drain some of the enemy card's health based on the damage he has dealt, so this will make up for the fact that his health is not so great. high and if you position him correctly then his health can reach surreal amounts, so it's an excellent skill for him and if he gets to the first position he will have a lot of health to defend himself, but calm down that he still has other skills that make it even better.

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It also has the Poison skill that spawns at level 4 and is an excellent skill to deal damage because it makes Venari Bonesmith have a 50% chance to apply it and deal 2 damage to the hit card when the round ends and that makes up for the fact his attack is not very high, so at level 4 for example where he has only 1 attack he will have a chance to do 3 damage with this skill and that's a lot for a 4 mana cost card.

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And he also has the Dispel skill that appears at level 10 and is a skill that clears all positive status effects that the card he attacks has, so it's a great card to clear enemy buffs and make the enemy card weaker.

And that's Venari Bonesmith's skills, now let's move on to the next part.

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Now I will show the cards I used for the battle at the end of this post.

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In the summoner choice I chose Zintar Mortalis which is a death deck summoner and has only 3 mana cost which is very good and it decreases the melee attack of enemy cards by 1 and as this type of card is used a lot so it's a good choice.

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For the first position I chose the Haunted Spirit which is a melee card that has the Heal skill that heals it so it is a very good skill for cards in that position and also the Magic Reflect skill that makes the magic attacks received by it cause part of damage back to the card that attacked it, so it's a very useful ability against magic attack cards and causes the Haunted to deal even more damage in battles.

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For the second position I chose the Phantom Soldier which is a magic-type card that has the Fly ability and makes it have a +25% chance to dodge attacks from other cards that don't have the fly ability, it also has the ability Silence that reduces the magic attack of enemy cards by 1 and the ability Void that reduces the magic damage taken by it.

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For the third position I chose Dark Enchantress which is also a card with magic attack that has the Fly ability and also has the Stun ability that makes it have a 50% chance to leave the card it attacks incapacitated for 1 round.

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For the fourth position we have the Boogeyman which is a card with magic attack and has 2 very important skills for a battle which is the Slow that reduces the speed of enemy cards by 1 and Rust that reduces the shield of enemy cards by 2, so It's a great card to lower the defenses of the cards and make them more vulnerable.

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For the fifth position we have Venari Bonesmith which is a card with magic attack, but I already mentioned about him before and in this battle he is level 6 so his attack is 2 and together with poison he can do up to 4 damage in a single turn which is quite a lot, plus his Life Leech skill will be very useful in this battle.

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For the sixth position I chose the Twisted Jester which is a card with ranged attack that has the Snipe ability that makes it attack ranged and magic cards as a priority and the Dodge ability that makes it have +25% chance to dodge melee attacks and ranged so it will be very useful in this position to make it difficult for cards with Sneak ability to hit the attack.

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Now we finally go to battle.

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It's a death deck vs fire deck battle and there is the Equalizer rules where all cards start with the same amount of health and also the Explosive Weaponry rule where all cards have the Blast ability and deal additional damage to nearby cards.

In this battle Venari Bonesmith will have a greater importance with the Life Leech skill because it will suck the life of the enemy card and also the card that is hit by the blast skill and so this skill will be activated 2x per turn which makes he has a lot of additional life, besides that my summoner will reduce the melee attack of enemy cards and my opponent's summoner will grant melee attack to his cards so one cancels the other, but my opponent's summoner also takes 1 life of my cards which gives you the advantage, besides their cards have a lot of attack and my skills against cards with magic attack are useless because he doesn't have any cards like that.

As he has more attack than me and also health so in this round I ended up losing Haunted Spirit because he received a lot of damage.

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In the second round I managed to eliminate half of their cards and I still have Venari Bonesmith who has a lot of health thanks to his Life Leech skill and the battle is 4 vs 3 so for now I have the advantage.

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In the third round there were no defeated cards but on my opponent's side he has cards with very little life and the card that has the most life is a ranged card that becomes useless in the first position.

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In the fourth round the 2 cards that were low on health were defeated and they were also the cards that prevented the ranged card from reaching the first position so only it was left and since it can't attack so it's just a matter of time to be defeated.

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And in the fifth round she was defeated with 1 attack and the battle was decided by my victory.

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And at the end of the battle my Venari Bonesmith was at 17 health even taking damage during the battle, so in the worst case scenario I could count on him to guarantee my victory, I consider him a great card and in battles of this type he becomes even more incredible because it is a card that cannot be missing from the death deck when choosing your team.