Splinterlands - Flesh Golem, an amazing earth deck card that will help you win many battles.

in #splinterlands2 years ago

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Today I'm going to talk about a card from the earth deck that is one of your worst nightmares in battles, its name is Flesh Golem and you've probably fought him and felt hate.

But why is this card so hated by those who fight it? the answer is very simple, but let's go by parts that you can understand better.

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The first thing you need to know is that the Flesh Golem is a common card from the earth deck and belongs to the Alpha/Beta edition as you can see in the image above and it is a card with 6 mana cost that has attack and speed reasonable but it has a lot of life, but that's not why it's terrible and we'll get to that part soon. First let's talk about your skills.

His first skill appears at level 3 and it is Heal, this skill makes the Flesh Golem heal 1/3 of his maximum health on his turn and the minimum healing is 2 so if you get him at level 3 as an example where he has 10 health then it will heal 3 health, if it had 12 health then it would heal 4 and if it had 3 health it would heal 2 since that is the least skill it heals, but it only works on monster turn so if he has incapacitated on his turn he will not heal himself, and this ability is extremely useful for cards that are in the first position because it makes them last longer on the battlefield and also protecting the cards behind for longer.

Heal - Restores a portion of the Monster's health each round. 1/3 of the monsters max health rounded down is restored. Minimum is 2.

His second skill makes him an even more efficient tank card and this skill is Void, with it the Flesh Golem receives reduced magic attack damage, I will cite some examples, if he receives the attack of a card with 2 attack magic so it will only receive 1 damage since it will always be 1/2 but if the card has 3 magic attack then it would receive 1.5 damage but the value will always be up as there is no way to deal that damage in a battle then the damage would be 2, if it was 4 attack then it would be 2 the damage taken and if it was 5 it would be 3 and so on. And as magic cards are very common in battles having this skill is very useful as you will receive less damage from them and in addition you will have the heal skill to heal your life, so in a battle where the enemy has only magic cards he will be incredibly strong but it's still not the reason he's hated and he'll show and talk about it below.

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I think this image above must have already revealed the reason but if you are new to the game then let me explain about this card I showed you.

She is a legendary summoner of the earth deck and her role is to give +2 health to allied cards, the Last Stand ability and the Cleanse ability.

Last Stand - Gains increased stats if it's the only Monster on the team alive. Values are multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up.

Cleanse - Removes all negative effects on the Monster in the first position on the friendly team. Does not remove summoner debuffs though.

Usually when they use this combination of cards that would be the Scarred Llama Mage and the Flesh Golem it is in battles with a low mana cost such as 13 which would be 7 from the Llama + 6 from the Golem so the Last Stand ability would be activated right at the beginning and the Flesh Golem would have his stats multiplied by 1.5, so get him at level 5 for example where he has 3 attack, 3 speed and 10 health (which becomes 12 because of the summoner's +2) so right at the beginning from the game he would have 5 attack, 5 speed and 18 health in addition he has the heal skill and that would make him heal 1/3 of his life on his turn which would be 6 life and this would always happen because the summoner It also has the Cleanse ability that will clean the negative effects of the Flesh Golem, so imagine you trying to beat a card like that that has a lot of attack and heals a lot so a low mana cost battle would be extremely difficult and even almost impossible.

But I'm not saying it would be a bad idea in battles with high mana cost, I just think it's more effective in battles with low mana cost and I'll show you a battle that proves it.

But first I'll show you which cards I used in this battle and I'll soon advance that my enemy who used this combination of cards, I used the Flesh Golem but otherwise since he is also strong without the Llama Scarred Mage.

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As a summoner I chose Lyanna Natura because my Flesh Golem is at level 8 and at this level it has 11 health so it would only heal 3 health on its turn, but with Lyanna it has 12 health and heals 4 health on the turn it becomes more effective, in addition all other cards will also have +1 health so it is very useful in battles.

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In the first position we have the Flesh Golem and I think you already know how strong it is, but in short its function will be to deal damage and heal itself to protect the front line for as long as possible, besides my opponent used magic cards so his Void ability will be extremely useful in this battle.

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In the second position I put the Screeching Vulture since it has a lot of speed and the Fly skill so it can dodge many attacks and even if it has low health it has the Scavenger skill that makes it gain +1 life for each card defeated so if he has to occupy the first position, he will already have a reasonable life and will also dodge attacks, in addition his Opportunity skill is very useful as it attacks the enemy card with the lowest health and this will help for the Scavenger to be activated more times.

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In the third position I put the Goblin Sorcerer and even though it is not a good position for him since he has little health but I consider that the next cards are more useful so it would be a worse decision to put them in front, but the Goblin Sorcerer is very useful since it's a magic card with the Sneak ability so it will attack the enemy card in the last position and magic attacks usually attack the card's health directly which is good because shields become useless and cards in that position don't usually have much health .

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The fourth position card is the Mushroom Seer and its main function is the Silence skill which reduces the magic attack of enemy cards by 1 and this will be very useful for the Flesh Golem as it has the Void skill so it will receive even less attack and in some cases the damage received will be 0 and you will see this in the battle that I will show, in addition the Mushroom has a lot of magic attack which is very good and the Poison skill that when applied does 2 damage to the card hit at the end of the turn which would make the Mushroom do 5 damage (3 from magic attack and 2 from Poison) and that's a lot.

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In the fifth position we have Wood Nymph and her role will be extremely important in this battle because she has the Heal Tank skill and with this skill she heals 1/3 of the maximum health of the allied card in the first position that would be the Flesh Golem so in addition to having the Heal skill that makes him heal 3 health ( 1/3 of 12 is 3 ) the Wood Nymph will still heal him +3 health so it would be 6 health per turn and I consider this combo incredibly strong if you don't want to use it Llama Scarred Mage uses Flesh Golem and Wood Nymph, in addition she also has the Strength skill that gives +1 health to all allied cards and this is very good since life is never too much.

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And in the last position we have Earth Elemental and its function will be to cause damage since its attack is 3 which is considered good and also to protect the cards from behind since it is common to have cards that attack this position and as it has the ability Heal he will last for quite a while protecting himself from these attacks.

Now I will show the battle that proves that the combination of Flesh Golem and Llama Scarred Mage is not so useful in battles with high mana cost and that there are better ways to use the Golem in these battles.


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As you can see in the battle the opponent has many Melee cards that only attack in the first position and that was his first mistake and the Flesh Golem is in the last position so the Last Stand ability of the summoner will be activated on him but will it be the enough to defeat my cards? in addition he also has 2 magic cards that became useless in this battle because of the Mushroom Seer and the Flesh Golem's Void ability, just you see that none of them will damage the Golem.

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In the first turn he lost 2 cards and I'm having a little difficulty defeating Unicorn Mustang since he has the Void ability and some of my cards have only 1 magic attack because of his Mushroom Seer so they don't do damage.

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In the second round I still can't defeat the Unicorn Mustang but we're almost there and I haven't lost any cards so far.

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In the third round we still haven't defeated Unicornio but I forgot to mention that the opponent has a card with the Tank Heal skill so it's healing Unicornio Mustang, that's why the delay for him to be defeated and I didn't lose any cards in this round either.

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In the fourth round the Unicornio Mustang was defeated and the other cards too, only the Flesh Golem remained and as you can see he already has the skills of the Scarred Mage Llama activated so his attack is 5, his speed is 5 and his life is 18 and on top of that it heals 6 health per turn but is it enough to defeat all 6 of my cards on the field?

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In the fifth round I did a lot of damage to him but it wasn't enough to defeat him but at the end of round 6 I managed to defeat him and for that I didn't need much effort since none of my cards were defeated and as you can see they all have full life, so in addition to not losing any I also continue with the same life I had when the game started.

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The combination of Flesh Golem and Llama Scarred Mage is quite powerful but if you just depend on it you won't win every game so use it wisely because there are situations where the Flesh Golem is very useful even without it as I showed in this battle, so always have it strategies for your battles.

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The ghastly Flesh Golems of Anumün reside in the damp root tunnels of the Elder Tree. These remnants of the lost tribes from before the Splintering have incredible powers of regeneration. Since they drink from the River of Power, the Flesh Golems each attack with the strength of a hundred men.


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